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Last year the municipality of Gavle asked my company if we could help them load share the streaming pictures of the famous Christmas goat in Gävle.
I accepted the invitation and set up a separate domain. My own interest in this was of course to track the usage of IPv6 and validation of DNSSEC from the visitors of the site. You can see the results from last year’s test here on CircleID.
Also for this year my company Interlan was involved in terms of load sharing. My special interest also stayed the same and the test this year was done in the exact same way, except for the fact that only one camera was used this year.
How did we do this? Below is a brief description:
At the time of the premier of the 2011 Christmas Goat, November 27, 2010, the following was set up: http://www.julbockmedipv6ochdnssec.se/kamera1 (no longer active)
In order to:
• Track native IPv6 with a RR with A and AAAA.
• Track those who can run IPv6 native or tunneled.
• Track validating DNS-resolvers with a domain that has a faulty DNSSEC.
From the above we were able find out that both usage of native IPv6 and DNSSEC validation have increased quite a lot this year. The native IPv6 users increased from 0.1% to 0.5% and the DNSSEC validation from 44% to 72%.
52% of all visitors were able to reach the http://[2001:b48:10:3::215]/ipv6.jpg where 74% running Teredo, 25% 6to4 and 1% native IPv6.
Unfortunately the Christmas Goat did not have the same luck as the one in 2010. By the morning of Friday, the 2nd of December, it was burned down.
The total time of the test this year was hereby limited to a short period. But with the experience from the test last year, and this year, I only need few days to get quite an accurate percentage of the use of IPv6 and DNSSEC from the visitors. This year I did a check after two days, last year I checked several times and the result was surprisingly correct after only a few days.
The operating systems used by visitors were also as expected: Windows 7, Mac OS X and different smartphones were up and Windows XP and Vista down.
Hopefully I will be back in 2012 with another update on the IPv6—DNSSEC usage via the Christmas Goat in Gavle!
For now, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!
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Thanks for sharing the results again this year. Purely out of curiosity, were you able to get any stats on which browsers were being used with regard to DNSSEC validation?
Dan, I must do some cat, awk and grep in my logfiles to see if I can get any useful information.
I’ll give it a try and post the result here then.