Michele Neylon writes: “Earlier this morning ICANN made public the resolutions from the most recent board meeting of November 5th 2010. The meeting was not a “normal” meeting - it was deemed a “special meeting” and its sole topic was vertical integration and cross-ownership between registrars and registries. This topic, often simply referred to as VI, has been a subject of debate - often very heated - for the last 12 months.”
Peter Dengate Thrush, ICANN Chairman of the Board said: “In the absence of existing policy or new bottom-up policy recommendations, the Board saw no rationale for placing restrictions on cross-ownership. Any possible abuses can be better addressed by properly targeted mechanisms. Co-ownership rules are not an optimal technique in this area.”
Related Links:
ICANN Board Gets Decisive. Vertical Integration Debate Killed Off Michele Neylon, Nov.10.2010
The Wall Between Registries and Registrars Comes Tumbling Down Antony Van Couvering, Nov.10.2010
Vertical Integration of gTLDs Registries and Registrars Now Permitted Elisa Cooper, Nov.10.2010
ICANN will not restrict cross-ownership IGP, Nov.10.2010
This is Big. ICANN To End Registry-Registrar Separation DNW, Nov.10.2010
ICANN’s Brave Decision - Who are the Winners and Losers? EnCirca Blog, Nov.10.2010
Our Take On The ICANN Registry/Registrar Decision: The Big Guys Wins/The Small Guy Loses The Domains, Nov.11.10
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