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INET New York - Remote Participation Details

The Internet Society (ISOC) will present an INET Regional Conference today June 14 2011 at the Sentry Center in NYC. The theme is “It’s your call. What kind Of Internet do you want?”. The distinguished line up of speakers will include ‘Father of the Internet’ Vint Cerf, World Wide Web inventor Sir Tim Berners Lee, and Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information at the U.S. Department of Commerce Lawrence Strickling.

For those of you coming in person, we look forward to seeing you! For the rest of you here are the remote participation details:


There is no need to register for remote participants—all are welcome. For those unfamiliar with backchann.nl, one can not only ask questions but also vote on questions already asked. There are chatrooms associated with both the transcription and the webcast. For those wishing to comment via twitter the hashtag is #INETny

Here’a brief schedule (times are EDT = UTC-4):

09:00 Opening remarks
09:30 Keynote + Q&A: Sir Tim Berners-Lee
10:30 Panel: Pushing technology boundaries
12:00 Lunch
13.00 Keynote + Q&A: Vint Cerf
13:30 Panel: People Power
15:00 Keynote: Lawrence E. Strickling
15:20 Panel: New Privacy Models
16:30 Closing discussion
17:30 End

The full agenda is on bit.ly/inetnyagenda

More info: isoc.org/nyinet

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