/ Industry Updates

AusRegistry International Announces Implementation of Industry-Leading IDN Registry System

The introduction of Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs) represents one of the most significant advancements in the history of the internet. A majority of internet users today have a first language other than English and many languages utilise characters not currently available within the DNS. IDNs provide these users with the capability to navigate the internet using their native language scripts.

.ORG First Open Top-Level Domain to be Signed with DNSSEC

Today, .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, the company behind the .ORG domain name, is the first open generic Top-Level Domain to successfully sign the .ORG zone file with Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC). To date, the .ORG zone is the largest domain registry to implement the security measure.

Afilias’ Technology Successfully Signs .ORG Zone with DNSSEC

Afilias, a global provider of Internet infrastructure services and domain name registry technology, has successfully signed the .ORG zone with Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC) on behalf of its customer, .ORG, The Public Interest Registry (PIR). The .ORG zone is being signed in a phased manner with an initial period allowing for key partners to test the signed zone.

DNSSEC Industry Coalition Symposium is Announced

The DNSSEC Industry Coalition Symposium is announced today in collaboration with Google, Nominum, Inc. and ICANN and will be held June 11-12, 2009, in Washington, DC. The purpose will be to discuss and identify potential and perceived issues with the Domain Name System (DNS) and DNSSEC deployment due to signing the DNS root zone.

NeuStar’s UltraDNS to Power Growth of NDTV Convergence

NeuStar, Inc. has announced that NDTV Convergence, the digital arm of New Delhi Television (NDTV), India's largest news and infotainment network, has chosen NeuStar's UltraDNS Managed DNS Service to bolster the scalability of its online properties.

Perspectives from a Nonprofit Domain Name Registry on Navigating the Social Media Frontier

At .ORG, we are big fans of using and managing multiple social media vehicles to promote engagement and interactivity within our global community. In our experience, there are many advantages to this approach... We're currently using Twitter, Flickr, our Blog, YouTube, and Facebook as the major ways to reach out to and engage our .ORG community on an ongoing basis.

DNSSEC Industry Coalition Meets with Vint Cerf and Dan Kaminsky

The DNSSEC Industry Coalition comprised of 20 organizations streamlining the rollout of DNSSEC worldwide, gathered on Friday, March 13, 2009, to share best practices in deployment and meet the urgent challenge to secure the Internet's domain name system (DNS).

The DNSSEC Industry Coalition Announces the Formation of Its Registrar Review Team

The DNSSEC Industry Coalition announces today the formation of its Registrar Review Team following the 34th public meeting of the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) in Mexico City, Mexico. The Registrar Review Team is comprised of companies that will provide the coalition with valuable information from a registrar's unique perspective.

Survey Results: .ORG Domains are Informative, Trustworthy and Valuable

We conducted a brand survey at the end of 2008, reaching out to 10,000 Internet users across Europe and North America. We wanted to get a reading on two primary points -- what types of organizations does a .ORG domain represent, and what characteristics are associated with a .ORG domain name.

Afilias to Provide 1-Click DNSSEC Service to Simplify DNS Security Rollout

Today Afilias announced the beta launch of 1-Click DNSSEC™ , an enhancement to its Managed DNS Service, that allows organizations, corporations and government agencies to enable DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) on their domains, quickly and easily.