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Not All VPN Users Are Worth Trusting, a Lesson for Cloud Service Providers

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are widespread; about a third of the Internet population uses them worldwide. Their primary reason? VPN usage touts more secure browsing. more

Gathering Context Around Emotet, Trickbot, and Dridex C&C Servers with Bulk IP Geolocation

Dridex, Trickbot, and Emotet are banking Trojans that have enabled cybercrime groups to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from their victims. These malware have evolved over the years, and just recently, Emotet was seen using stolen attachments to make their spam emails more credible. more

Rise in Domain Name Registrations Highlights the Need for Continued Vigilance

Increased domain name registrations are only part of the picture. As the number of legitimate domain name registrations increase, so to do those registered by criminals in bad faith. more

MarkMonitor Releases New gTLD Quarterly Report for Q3 2020

MarkMonitor today released its latest issue of the New gTLD Quarterly Report for the third quarter of 2020 with particular focus on the innovations made by Registry Operators, including the newest example of a domain product with significant security benefits. more

Augmenting Digital Risk Protection with Threat Intelligence Sources

The world continues to produce and consume digital content at an increasingly fast pace across channels - making risk exposure continuously greater in the process. To tackle this problem, digital risk protection allows organizations to address digital risk factors and monitor and reduce their attack surface. more

Threat Intelligence Feeds in the Fight against Insurance-Themed Cyber Attacks

Threat actors are seasoned posers. They often pose as bank employees, police officers, or court officials. A coronavirus-themed campaign even had them posing as the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO). Insurance companies are also increasingly targeted, which can be attributed to the ongoing global health crisis. more

WHOIS History Footprint Tells Us More about the Man Behind the Biggest BLM Scam

In 2018, the biggest scam that banked on the Black Lives Matter movement was exposed. An Australian National Union Workers official named Ian Mackay was allegedly behind the Black Lives Matter Facebook page that garnered more than 700,000 followers and racked over US$100,000 in donations. more

The DNS Ecosystem, Its Vulnerabilities, and Threat Mitigations

David Conrad, CTO of The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), recently presented a keynote during a webinar we collaborated on with other internet organizations. This post summarises his explanation of the domain name system (DNS) ecosystem, its vulnerabilities, and threat mitigations. more

Marketing Domains in the Times of COVID-19

As a marketer, if I could describe 2020 in two words; it would be unpredictable and volatile. While resilience is one of the crucial skills to master in marketing, it is truly being tested in 2020. At the same time, it's obvious that a business's ability to adapt quickly will determine how it will emerge on the other side of this unfortunate situation. more

100K+ List of Disposable Email Domains Under Security Analysis

Disposable email addresses are quite widespread and for different reasons. Some people believe that using throwaway or temporary email addresses helps them protect their privacy. Others, however, use these in more questionable endeavors - hence the relevance of monitoring disposable email domains. more