Brand Registry Group

Brand Registry Group

The Association for Brands at the Top Level
Joined on November 30, 2021
Total Post Views: 65,204


The Brand Registry Group is an association of companies and organizations working together to champion the use of brand top-level domains. The BRG is a not-for-profit organization registered in the United States.

Company Updates

BRG to Share .Brand TLD Updates and Insights for Applicants at ICANN81 in Istanbul

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association of companies and organizations working together to champion the use of .brand top-level domains and includes some of the world's most recognized consumer and B2B brands. In advance of the ICANN81 meeting in Istanbul Türkiye next week, the BRG is providing an update on ICANN's new gTLD program in several sessions that may be of interest to prospective .brand applicants. more

Advocacy and Recommendations from the Brand Registry Group on gTLDs, Closed Generics, and IDN Policies

The following is a letter from the Brand Registry Group (BRG) sent to the GNSO Council on Friday, July 14, 2023 . It provides the BRG's perspective on the delayed commencement of the new round of generic top-level domains (gTLDs), the decade-long debate on closed generics, and issues related to Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs). The BRG outlines concerns, commends efforts, and proposes solutions to help advance these important facets of internet policy development. more

Recommendations to Expedite the Next Round of Top-Level Domains

The launch of the 'next' round of new generic top-level domain (gTLDs) program has experienced significant delays since the 2012 round, resulting in frustration for prospective applicants and undermined trust in the multistakeholder governance model. more

Brand Registry Group .brand Brief, ICANN75

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association of companies and organizations working together to champion the use of .brand top-level domains and includes some of the world's most recognized consumer and B2B brands. more

Insights From the Brand Registry Group’s New President

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association of companies and organisations working together to champion the use of .brand top-level domains and includes some of the world's most recognised consumer and B2B brands. more

Brand Registry Group .brand Brief, ICANN74

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association of companies and organisations working together to champion the use of .brand top-level domains and includes some of the world's most recognised consumer and B2B brands. In advance of the upcoming ICANN 74 meeting, the BRG has been actively discussing a wide range of topics that we consider are a priority for our members. more

Brand Registry Group Is Seeking an Executive Director to Join the Organization

The Brand Registry Group (BRG) is the global association supporting the needs of dotBrand Top-Level Domain (TLD) operators and promoting the benefits of dotBrand TLDs across the world. more