

Russia and Ukraine: A Tale of Two Languages, One Rising and One Falling

For companies with global aspirations, Russian has long been considered a "must support" language. These days, that is no longer the case. But even before Putin decided to invade Ukraine, the Russian language had been slipping, ever so slightly, in global website support. While support for Ukrainian has been steadily rising. I’ve been tracking the languages supported by the leading global brands for nearly 20 years and...

Industry Insights: RDAP Becomes Internet Standard

Earlier this year, the Internet Engineering Task Force’s (IETF’s) Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG) announced that several Proposed Standards related to the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP), including three that I co-authored, were being promoted to the prestigious designation of Internet Standard. Initially accepted as proposed standards six years ago, RFC 7480, RFC 7481, RFC 9082 and RFC 9083 now comprise the new Standard 95. RDAP allows users to access domain registration data and could one day replace its predecessor the WHOIS protocol.

How Does the Acceptance of All Domain Names in Open-Source Software Look in 2021?

A recent study carried out by Governance Primer on behalf of the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) identified trends in the acceptance of all domain names in software hosted at Github, the largest open-source repository globally. This research builds on top of previous efforts aimed at identifying the underlying issues that result in problems when different applications need to handle Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and new gTLDs, particularly when it comes to email addresses.

Think Beyond .com: From Country Codes to Internationalized Domain Names

One of the major takeaways from the Web Globalization Report Card is the importance of providing "front doors" to your localized websites. These doors begin with the addresses themselves, which may not include the .com domain. In fact, I'd recommend that most localized websites not use the .com domain, as this is an overloaded domain. This article looks at the many ways brands are creating more localized addresses, beginning with country code top-level domains (ccTLDs).

Universal Acceptance – Making the Internet Work for Everyone

Back in 2014, to foster innovation and to better the choice in domain names, ICANN introduced new generic top-level domains through its New gTLD Program. It was a monumental move that enabled businesses, individuals, and communities across the globe to mark their presence on the Internet. Allowing users to be present digitally in their chosen language (non-ASCII characters and scripts) gave opportunities to local businesses, civil societies, and governments to better serve their communities.

Is ICANN Running a Racket?

On March 13, 2019, I published an article on CircleID, Portrait of a Single-Character Domain Name, that explored the proposed release and auction of, a single-character .com domain name that was registered in 1993 and assigned to the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) by Dr. Jon Postel. Although the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has since raised serious objections...

The Netizen’s Guide to Reboot the Root (Part II)

The first part of this series explained how Amendment 35 to the NTIA-Verisign cooperative agreement is highly offensive to the public interest. But the reasons for saving the Internet are more fundamental to Western interests than a bad deal made under highly questionable circumstances. One of the world's foremost experts on conducting censorship at scale, the Chinese Communist Party's experience with the Great Firewall...

IGF Best Practice Forums, an Opportunity to Bring Your Experience to the Policy Debate

In the run-up to the 14th Internet Governance Forum in Berlin, Germany, 25 to 29 November, different groups are discussing best practices pertaining to specific internet governance policy questions. These groups are open and thrive on your input and experiences. Their findings will be presented at the IGF and published shortly after. The IGF Best Practice Forums intend to inform internet governance policy debates by drawing on the immense and diverse range of experience and expertise...

The Three-Character Question at the Heart of Single-Character .COMs: W-H-Y?

In the matter relating to O.COM, I've focused on the fact that VeriSign has -- in correspondence to the organization that is counter-party to its .COM and transliterated .COM IDN Registry Agreements, in earnings calls with its investors and financial analysts, and in policy published on its website for every innocent and unsuspecting Tom, Dick, and Harry in the world to be duped by -- stated an unequivocal and unwavering commitment .

Forget it, Jake. It’s China.

A timely article in The Wall Street Journal (that I only recently got around to reading): "The future's not here." American business people once saw China as dynamic, exciting and wide open. Not anymore. To which I ask: When was China ever "wide open?" Let's not blame the recent trade and tariff issues. China is a ruthlessly competitive market that, like so many countries, tilts the playing field in favor of its home-grown companies.

Adopting IDN to Reach New Untapped Markets

An IDN is a domain name which uses a particular encoding and format to allow a wider range of scripts to represent domain names such as Gujarati, Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Devanagari and many more scripts. In simple words, a domain name with non-English characters will be called an Internationalized Domain Name. Humans have a variety of languages and alphabets that are familiar to them, and domain names do too. IDN unlocks an increased familiarity and affinity for humans.

Choosing Internationalized Email Addresses

Recently I've been working on Email Address Internationalization (EAI), looking at what software is available (Gmail and Outlook/Hotmail both handle it now) and what work remains to be done. A surprisingly tricky part is assigning EAI addresses to users. In traditional ASCII mail, the local part of the address, what goes before the @ sign, can be any printable ASCII characters.

Universal Acceptance of New Top-Level Domains Reloaded

One challenge for all new top-level domains (TLDs) is the so-called Universal Acceptance. Universal Acceptance is a phenomenon as old as TLDs exist and may strike at many occasions... The effect when universal acceptance hits you is that you cannot send or receive email, get error messages or even worse when it looks like everything works but it does not and you do not even get a notification.

.US Hosts its Annual Town Hall Meeting

Neustar, a leading provider of registry services, is hosting a Town Hall meeting this month for the United States' country code Top-Level Domain, .US. Neustar introduced the .US Town Hall last year to reflect our commitment -- and the Commerce Department commitment to the bottom-up, multistakeholder model of DNS management. The public forum is an important part of ensuring that .US continues to be a vibrant namespace that reflects America's diversity, creativity, and innovative spirit.

Internet Access: A Chokepoint for Development

In the 1980's internet connectivity meant allowing general public to communicate and share knowledge and expertise with each other instantly and where it was not possible otherwise. Take the story of Anatoly Klyosov, connecting Russia to the western world for the first time in 1982, as an example. A bio-chemist who was not allowed to leave the soviet territory for security reasons. The internet enabled him to participate in meetings with his counterparts at Harvard University, University of Stockholm and beyond.

News Briefs

Government of India, MeitY Organizes 2-Day Event to Promote Universal Acceptance and Multilingual Internet

Country and Regional TLDs Are Vital in Supporting Online Linguistic Diversity, Study Finds

Domain Names in 9 Indian Scripts to Be Added to the Root Servers by June

Internet Penetration in the Middle East has Tripled in the Past 8 Years, New Arabic Domains Credited

First World Domain Day Conference Concludes in India

China Favouring Digits Over Letters When It Comes to Internet Addresses

Google Launches First Japanese IDN

UNESCO Director-General on Linguistic Diversity on the Internet: Main Challenges Are Technical

ICANN Receives 67 Unique Applications for Chinese gTLDs

Iran’s Top-Level Domain Approved by ICANN, That is .IRAN in Non-Latin

Chinese Internationalized Domain Names Approved by ICANN

ICANN Launches Russia’s Top-Level Domain in Cyrillic Characters

First Three IDN ccTLDs Are Now Live

CNN Live Interview on Internationalized Domain Names

ICANN Gives Jordan Preliminary Approval for Its ccTLD in Arabic

Google Beats Facebook in Popularity Because it Supports More Languages (For Now)

Russians Not So Eager to Embrace Cyrillic Domain Names

ICANN to Start Accepting Non-Latin TLD Applications as Early as Next Month

IDN Introduction Biggest Technical Change to Internet in Its 40-Year History, Says ICANN Chairman

Root Scaling Study Report is Out

Most Viewed

New Top-Level Domains and Software Implications

IDN and Homographs Spoofing

Internationalizing the Internet

Cricket Liu Interviewed: DNS and BIND, 5th Edition

Splitting the Root: It’s Too Late

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Industry Updates

Punycode Phishing: Internationalized Domain Names Remain a Threat in 2020

Afilias Thanks Desiree Miloshevic for 12 Years of Service to ISOC

20 Afilias Top Level Domains Now Licensed for Sale in China

Verisign Announces קום. Domain Names are Available for General Registration

Verisign Announces .コム Domain Names Are Now Available for Anyone to Register

Verisign Launches New gTLDs for the Korean Market, .닷컴 and .닷넷

Verisign Opens Landrush Program Period for .コム Domain Names

Priority Access Program for Verisign’s First IDN New gTLD, .コム

ARI Registry Services Expands Middle East & Africa Operations

Public Interest Registry Offers New Internationalized Domain Names to General Public

Public Interest Registry Announces Sunrise Period for New Internationalized Domain Names

New Chinese “Mobile” Top-Level Domain Now Available

Afilias Welcomes “Dot Chinese Online” and “Dot Chinese Website” Top-Level Domains to the Internet

Afilias Announces Its First Internationalized TLD With the Launch of .MOBILE in Chinese

ARI Registry Services Adds World’s First .Brand to the Internet

Participants – Random Selection