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Afilias Welcomes “Dot Chinese Online” and “Dot Chinese Website” Top-Level Domains to the Internet

“We’ve been especially pleased that we’ve been able to launch these domains so quickly because of the skill and historical knowledge that Afilias brought to the project.”
Arto Isokoski, CEO & Co-Founder
Global registry services provider Afilias today announced the completion of technical preparations for the Landrush launch of the new Dot Chinese Online (.??) and Dot Chinese Website (.???) top-level domains (TLD).

These two new TLDs represent the next generation of domains, ones that are written in local language scripts. Called Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), these TLDs are designed to make the Web a more welcoming arena for global users. Previously, TLDs were only available in Roman language scripts like English, Spanish and German.

Managed by trans-national TLD Registry Ltd., the Dot Chinese Online (.??) and Dot Chinese Website (.???) TLDs help businesses and individuals establish a strong relationship with Chinese-language audiences. Dot Chinese Online (.??) is a useful way for brands offering products and services to publicize their online presence, such as a local store that sells in various Chinese-language territories via the Internet. Dot Chinese Website (.???) lets non-Chinese businesses and individuals brand a site specifically as a Chinese-language one without having to add a layer of explanation that the site is in Chinese, something that is necessary to do with standard, Roman-language TLDs.

“TLD Registry is excited to bring these domains to market,” said company CEO and Co-Founder Arto Isokoski. “We’ve been especially pleased that we’ve been able to launch these domains so quickly because of the skill and historical knowledge that Afilias brought to the project. Afilias has a strong background in IDNs, which helped us launch the domains with a maximum of speed and a minimum of fuss.”

Roland LaPlante, CMO of Afilias, added, “It’s great to see so many innovative ideas for top-level domains come to life. Dot Chinese Online (.??) and Dot Chinese Website (.???) both demonstrate an Internet that is more universal than before, yet they bring a sense of local familiarity that has not been available on the Web until now. TLD Registry’s stated mission is to make the Chinese Web more Chinese, and, even at this early stage, TLD Registry’s domains have garnered strong interest in the Chinese region. Afilias is proud to play an important supporting role in that mission.”

For more information about TLD Registry as well as the Dot Chinese Online (.??) and Dot Chinese Website (.???) domains, visit http://??.?? or http://??.??? or http://internetregistry.info.

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By Afilias, Global Provider of Internet Infrastructure Service

Afilias is the world’s second largest domain registry, with more than 20 million names under management. Afilias powers a greater variety of top-level domains than any other provider, and will soon support hundreds of new TLDs now preparing for launch. Afilias’ specialized technology makes Internet addresses more accessible and useful through a wide range of applications, including Internet domain registry services, Managed DNS and mobile Web services like goMobi® and DeviceAtlas®.

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