

Internet Infrastructure Coalition
Joined on April 28, 2016
Total Post Views: 248,359


Founded in 2012 by a diverse group of Internet infrastructure companies, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition supports and represents those who build the nuts and bolts of the Internet. We treat the work of the Internet infrastructure industry like the noble profession that it is.

Our coalition launched at a significant time in our industry’s history. The genesis of the organization began in 2011, when many of the i2Coalition founding and charter members joined forces during the successful effort to prevent SOPA and PIPA from becoming United States law. After mobilizing to ensure the Internet’s free flow of information and commerce, we realized the on-going need for an industry voice.

The i2Coalition is now the leading voice for hosting companies, data centers, registrars and registries, software services providers, and related tech firms on both the domestic and international stages. We have made great strides on initiatives that affect our industry and the internet as a whole—issues like open access, mass surveillance, cybersecurity, patent reform, customer privacy, the IANA transition and Internet governance. These issues and our organization have never been more relevant or important for protecting our industry, and we do so with the strength of our membership. According to Gartner, the Internet infrastructure industry will generate \$131 billion in annual revenue and is growing at a rate of nearly 20% per year.

The economy is dependant on the continued growth of the Internet infrastructure industry; it is vital for creating an environment of innovation globally, and domestically.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by i2Coalition on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Company Updates

i2Coalition Launches Solutions Strategy for an Open and Free Internet

As the voice of the Internet's infrastructure, the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) advocates for companies working for the benefit of the Internet as a whole. Since our formation more than ten years ago, the i2Coalition has found that when we engage with policymakers, they are usually focused on solving particular problems they see online. more

i2Coalition Announces New Board Members for 2023

Today the i2Coalition is announcing that Neha Naik, Vice President of Channel Partnerships at Radix; Jesse Asklund, Chief Experience Officer of cPanel / WebPros; Ursula Baum, Associate General Counsel at Newfold Digital; and Suzanne Law Marisa, US General Counsel for OVHcloud, have joined the Board of Directors of the organization. more

The i2Coalition Invites the Public to Help Shape the Future of VPNs

Virtual Private Networks help ensure data flows between endpoints are private and secure. This means VPN users can enhance their online anonymity, bypass geographic restrictions, secure data transfers, and more. And yet, there are still legitimate concerns that a small number of VPNs - either accidentally or intentionally - expose users to greater risk than if they hadn't used a VPN at all. more

i2Coalition and DNA Merger Creates North America’s Largest Internet Infrastructure Advocacy Group

The combined association, which will operate under the name i2Coalition and maintain the i2Coalition's existing organizational and management structure, will be the largest Internet infrastructure advocacy group in North America. more

i2Coalition Launches Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Internet Infrastructure Providers

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven the vital importance of Internet connectivity during a global crisis, and we want to find out exactly how Internet infrastructure providers are coping through a new survey. more

The Internet Infrastructure Industry Is Protecting Digital Trust and Fighting COVID-19 Related Fraud

As a global public health and economic crisis unfolds due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the world's population retreats to social distancing and isolation, the Internet is becoming indispensable to billions of people for purposes of work, leisure and obtaining important information. more

Melinda Clem Named i2Coalition Chair Elect for 2019

The i2Coalition has announced the results of its 2019 elections for the Board of Directors and Board leadership roles. As previously planned, current i2Coalition Chair Elect, Cheval Capital President Frank Stiff, will replace outgoing Board Chair Michele Neylon and serve as i2Coalition's Board Chair for 2019. more

i2Coalition Releases Statement On Australian Encryption Law Passing

On December 6th, the Australian Internet Parliament formally passed the "Assistance and Access Bill." This package includes a series of provisions which require tech firms to help the country's security agencies bypass encrypted communications in their systems. more

Frank Stiff Appointed Director and 2019 Board Chair Elect of the i2Coalition

The i2Coalition has announced that Frank Stiff, President, and Co-Founder of Cheval Capital, has been appointed to its Board of Directors, and named Chair Elect. Mr. Stiff's position as Chair Elect became effective on immediately. He will assume his role as Board Chair on January 1st, 2019 and hold the office throughout the year. Until that time, Mr. Stiff will work with current Board Chair Michele Neylon. Mr. Stiff's full term on the Board of Directors will last until 2021. more

i2Coalition Supports Open Internet and Multistakeholder Model in Comments to NTIA

The i2Coalition responded to a request for comments on International Internet policy. We appreciated the opportunity to continue our advocacy for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance and a free, open Internet. more

i2Coalition Hires Policy Director, Monica Sanders

The i2Coalition announces the hiring of Policy Director, Monica Sanders. Monica will coordinate i2Coalition work on the policy initiatives chosen for focus by the member-led i2Coalition Working Groups. more

eco/i2Coalition Update Webinar on ICANN Contracted Party GDPR Compliance

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has presented several data models to its contracted parties regarding their contractual arrangements with ICANN and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). more

KSK Rollover Webinar to Be Held with ECO and ICANN Tuesday, April 24th

The i2Coalition is proud to announce that it will be holding a joint webinar with eco – Association of the Internet Industry, on the upcoming root KSK rollover in conjunction with ICANN on Tuesday, April 24th at 11 AM EST (UTC -4). more

2018 Internet Community Leadership Award to Be Presented to Allison Heather and Stephen Mayhew

Today we're announcing the recipients of our 2018 "Ron Yokubaitis Internet Community Leadership Award": longtime Internet infrastructure industry advocates and publishers, Allison Heather and Stephen Mayhew. more

i2Coalition Focuses on Intermediary Liability Issues

We are announcing that we are forming a new ad hoc group to handle policy issues arising in regards to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and other related intermediary liability concerns. more

i2Coalition Statement on FCC Passage of “Restoring Internet Freedom Order”

i2Coalition worked hard to prevent the vote from turning out this way. Now that it has, we are committed to continuing the fight and will seek strong Net Neutrality protections through other means. more

Statement on Industry Letter Concerning WTO Civil Society Expert Accreditation

Today the i2Coalition has joined the Internet Association and CCIA in sending a letter to Director General Roberto Azevedo of the World Trade Organization regarding the accreditation of civil society experts to 11th Annual Ministerial Meeting. more

Your Business In Europe: Understanding GDPR & Privacy Shield

It is imperative that U.S. businesses with international and European clients understand how the GDPR may affect their businesses and begin to implement strategies to ensure compliance with the regulation. more

i2Coalition Sends Letter of Support for .AMAZON to ICANN

Our interest in this matter goes well beyond the commercial interest of a single member of our community. We strongly believe that the Board of ICANN now has an opportunity to show the entire multistakeholder community that ICANN stands by its Applicant Guidebook, its community-developed Bylaws, an independent dispute resolution process. more

Leading Internet Associations Strengthen Cooperation

eco Internet Industry Association E.V., Europe's largest Association serving the interest of the Internet Industry with more than 1,000 members from more than 60 countries and the Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition), a rapidly growing association with 100+ of the largest and most influential members in the Internet infrastructure industry, plan to intensify their longstanding co-operation. more

i2Coalition to Present Tucows CEO Elliot Noss With Internet Community Leadership Award

Our "Ron Yokubaitis Internet Community Leadership Award" 2017 recipeint will be Elliot Noss, the Chief Executive Officer and President of Tucows, Inc. The award will be delivered at a ceremony on May 3rd in Washington, D.C., during the closing ceremonies i2Coalition's yearly Washington, D.C. Fly-In. more

Michele Neylon Appointed Chair Elect of i2Coalition

The Internet Infrastructure Coalition (i2Coalition) announced that Blacknight CEO, Michele Neylon has been appointed Chair Elect of its Board of Directors. Mr. Neylon's position as Chair Elect became effective on January 1st, 2017 and will assume his role as Chair on January 1st, 2018. more

2016 U.S. Election: An Internet Forecast

The unexpected election of Donald Trump, along with continued Republican control of both houses of Congress will have a big impact on our US priorities. While the outlook remains unclear, we've prepared the memo below examining the initial impact the election may have on issues that matter to Internet infrastructure companies and organizations. more

i2Coalition to Host First Ever Smarter Internet Forum

The i2Coalition has announced that it will be holding its first Smarter Internet Forum June 14th through 15th 2016 at Sheraton Downtown Philadelphia Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. more