Premier IPv4 Broker and Online Marketplace
Joined on July 21, 2020
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IPv4.Global is a division of Hilco Streambank. As trusted marketplace leaders, the company is dedicated to reliable transparent service. It facilitates the purchase and sale of IP blocks, regardless of the size, and have completed more transfers than anyone else in the world. IPv4.GLOBAL’s multi-tiered services facilitate transactions of varying IPv4 block sizes, ranging from smaller transactions through our online platform to large private transactions through our brokerage business. For more information, please visit www.IPv4.Global.
Except where otherwise noted, all postings by IPv4.Global on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
The internet has grown organically from a cooperative lab experiment into an economic infrastructure. In the early days, configuration mistakes were an annoyance, but not much more. Today, a mistake can cost organizations money, enable security threats, and degrade reputations. more
In December 2024, IPv4.Global reported a continued stabilization of IPv4 prices after a year of significant change. The monthly averages per IP address among blocks identified by CIDR notations /17-/24 remained fairly stable, fluctuating between $32 and $36 per address. more
IPv4.Global, the world's largest, most trusted and transparent IPv4 marketplace, was awarded a Gold Globee for Company of the Year at the prestigious 14th Annual 2024 Globee® Business Awards, with judges lauding its new "innovative" audit tool. more
IPv4.Global, the world's largest, most-trusted and transparent IPv4 marketplace, today announced it is a founding member and sponsor of NOGUA's (Network Operators Group of Ukraine) first conference in Lviv, Ukraine, June 3-6, 2024. more
The passage provided features an interview with Chad Silverstein and Jack Hazan, who is the Executive Vice President at Hilco Streambank. Hazan oversees the operations of Hilco’s IPv4.Global business division. more
In the digital age, where every device, from smartphones to fridges, connects to the Internet, the topic of IP addresses becomes increasingly relevant. An IP address, a unique identifier for devices on the Internet, has seen its fair share of evolution from IPv4 to IPv6. Yet, the question lingers: Are unused IPv4 addresses a hidden treasure? more
Predicting rational behavior on the part of market participants invites two problems into the resulting projections. First, people almost always include some element of irrational thinking in their decisions. Second, no predictor can know every variable -- even only the rational ones -- or weigh those they know with perfect accuracy. more
IPv4.Global, the world’s largest IPv4 marketplace, today announced its planned activity to demonstrate its higher education leadership at EDUCAUSE 2023. EDUCAUSE is committed to advancing higher education through the use of information technology. more
APNIC56 is in Kyoto, Japan September 7–14. This year, there are four new policies being proposed and an edit to a policy previously discussed several times. more
Of the five Regional Internet Registries responsible for distributing IP addresses, most have run out of IPv4 addresses. However, there remains a healthy global demand for IPv4 addresses, especially by growing networks. These assets, which rarely appear on balance sheets or asset schedules, have become a source of liquidity for organizations in all sectors with unused blocks of addresses. more
On Friday, July 28, 2023, AWS announced they would begin charging for every IPv4 address an account is allocated or using on the platform, starting February 1, 2024. That's a change from the current scheme, which only charges you for addresses you reserve, but aren't using, or if you reassign the same address over a hundred times a month. more
Every US state will get at least $107 million to deliver high-speed broadband access to everyone by 2030. Bigger states will get more. California will get $1.9 billion, and Texas will get $3.1 billion. more
The recently launched Qualified Facilitator Program was developed so buyers and sellers of IPv4 addresses can easily and confidently identify qualified brokers to help them navigate the complex IPv4 address transfer process. more
ARIN warned that the wait time for IPv4 space from its Waitlist is years, not months, at NANOG 88 in Seattle. There were 632 requests on the list at the end of May 2023, and it grew by 429 requests in the last year. more
The RIPE NCC's members did not approve new charges for transfers or ASNs at its May 2023 General Meeting. The RIPE NCC had proposed a €500 charge for each transfer and a €50 charge for each ASN. more
The RIPE NCC expects to make about 300 /24 allocations in the next six months. About 1,000 members are waiting for allocations and the member at the top of the queue has been waiting over a year. more
IPv4.Global, a division of Hilco Streambank, the largest, most trusted and transparent IPv4 marketplace in the world, today announced the release of ReView, a new, first-of-its-kind digital IP address audit tool at RIPE 86. ReView was developed in collaboration with 6connect, the authors of revolutionary provisioning and IP address management software. more
The RIPE NCC has closed its IPv4 Waitlist to new applications. Existing applications are not affected by this change. more
The RIPE NCC will ask its members to choose a new charging model in late May 2023. This selected model will be used for 2024. more
Here are a few observations on the state of the IPv4 marketplace during 2022. All the statistics here exclude transfers of IPv4 addresses involved in mergers and acquisitions. more
APNIC has announced fee increases for 2023. The fee charged per address will go up, but the base fees for members and non-members will not change. APNIC charges 20% of the annual fee for transfers. more
ARIN has introduced a new sliding scale for transfer fees, starting in January 2023. ARIN will bill these fees. IPv4.Global will follow ARIN policy in this matter going forward and both buyers and sellers will be responsible for their appropriate RIR fees. more
Over 1,000 organizations are each waiting more than 300 days to get a block of just 256 IPv4 addresses -- a /24 -- in the RIPE region. The RIPE NCC warned that the wait time will soon reach 24 months despite allocating 900 /24s in the last year. more
Hilco Streambank's IPv4.GLOBAL, the world's most experienced internet protocol address broker, today announced a program dedicated to helping educational institutions fund their future projects. The program focuses on valuing and monetizing IPv4 addresses. more
Pricing of IPv4 addresses over the last few months has taken an interesting turn. In recent years, the price per address for small blocks (/17 and smaller) has been greater than the price per address of large blocks (/16 and larger). more
New Agreement makes IPv4.GLOBAL's auctions, private sales and leasing services available to E&I members in higher education, K-12, and healthcare teaching institutions across the U.S. more
The "IP" in IPv4 and IPv6 stands for Internet Protocol, which is a set of rules that determine how devices transmit data packets across the Internet. Internet Protocol also assigns a unique address to each device on the web. These addresses ensure data packets are routed to the correct device. more
With address prices rising, the reasons you may want to become a lessor are clear: extended predictable revenue. Leasing creates an opportunity to monetize IP addresses and sell an IP block for a higher price in the future versus in the current market -- it allows the lessor to keep the IPv4 block in case of future need. more
Everyone hates spam. Even worse is malware - something that infects your computer and sends spam out to you and others or tries to hack into systems. In response to these problems, many people began to maintain lists recording who generates spam and malware. more
Gabe Fried
CEO at IPv4.GlobalJoined on Jul 21, 2020
Lee Howard
Senior Vice President at IPv4.GlobalJoined on Jul 21, 2020
Jack Hazan
Executive Vice President at IPv4.GlobalJoined on Jul 21, 2020
Peter Tobey
Marketing and Communications Director at IPv4.GlobalJoined on Jul 21, 2020