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APNIC’s Fees to Rise in 2023

APNIC has announced fee increases for 2023. The fee charged per address will go up, but the base fees for members and non-members will not change. APNIC charges 20% of the annual fee for transfers. Its annual fees, which have increased slightly this year, have many tiers, and it has a fee calculator on its website. There are also discounts for organizations based in some economies. APNIC gives three examples of fees for transfers:

  • AUD 236 for a block of 256 addresses
  • AUD 695 for a block of 4,096 addresses, and
  • AUD 2,046.8 for a block of 65,536 addresses

There is no change to the fees for those with the smallest allocations—; 256 IPv4 addresses. They will remain at AUD 1,180 in 2023.

Organizations with 8,192 IPv4 addresses will have to pay an extra AUD 171. The new fee will be AUD 4,552. Bigger networks will pay more. An organization with 65,536 IPv4 addresses will pay an extra AUD 609. The new price will be AUD 10,234.

The percentage increase varies depending on the total amount of address space you hold. APNIC provides fee calculators for both members and non-members in addition to the table in its blog post.

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