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Announcing the IPv4 Market Chrome Extension: Free Download

IPv4.Global is the world’s largest IPv4 brokerage. The company has assisted in the transfer of over 72 million addresses, generating $1.5 billion for clients. Over 5,400 blocks have transferred. Among the many pioneering features of IPv4.Global’s online and private services is its transparency. Unique among IP marketplaces, the company posts realtime data describing its platform transactions. RIR, block size, and final price are posted anonymously as each sale occurs.

The Prior Sales page on the brokerage platform includes loads of customizable views of worldwide market transactions. The home page at IPv4.Global has included a live “ticker” of completed recent transactions for years. For the alert and interested, it is a steady source of market data.

Now, a Chrome browser extension of this ticker is available for free download. You can retrieve the extension, install it, and watch the market happenings regardless of the website you are on. The extension includes custom features in terms of location and size on your browser and links directly to the IPv4.Global marketplace if something scrolls by that interests you.

The Chrome browser extension is available here: IPv4 Chrome Ticker.

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By IPv4.Global, Premier IPv4 Broker and Online Marketplace

IPv4.Global by Hilco Streambank helps companies with IPv4 addresses to sell, find companies who need to buy IPv4 addresses. Our business is founded on the belief that the transaction that yields mutual satisfaction is worth pursuing. We customize solutions that work for both buyers and sellers and help evaluate options for acquiring the IP addresses you need, given your Regional Internet Registry requirements.

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