/ Industry Updates

More than Ever: Why Organizations Need Proactive Defense in 2019

In the first half of 2019 alone, several data breaches have already exposed as many as 4.1 billion personal records. We've seen even industry giants and low-key players alike succumb to all kinds of data compromise. more

NS1 Raises $33M for Its Application Traffic Management Solutions

The round was led by Dell Technologies Capital, with participation from Cisco Investments and existing investors Deutsche Telekom Capital Partners, EntrĂ©e Capital, Flybridge Capital Partners, GGV Capital, Mango Capital, Salesforce Ventures, Sigma Prime Ventures, Telstra Ventures, and Two Sigma Ventures. more

Unraveling Unsolved Mysteries with Threat Intelligence

Have you ever heard of Lake City Quiet Pills? It refers to a mysterious site that first made waves on Reddit in 2009 and has since resurfaced. What Is Lake City Quiet Pills? more

Procuring Digital Evidence for Reverse Domain Hijacking Case with Domain Research & Monitoring Tools

Reverse domain name hijacking is a shady practice that some individuals and organizations carry out. It occurs when a trademark owner makes false claims in an attempt to gain control of a domain that someone else owns. more

The Importance of Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

Experts in the realm of cybersecurity are continually trying to keep up with the changes in the threat landscape. Even with advanced tools on hand, any IT security professional knows that a data breach can happen at any time. more

IP Geolocation: Improving Data Loss Prevention in Virtual Environments through Geofencing

Each day, threat actors search for targets whose assets they can compromise for personal gain. Their attacks often use exploit kits that can find gaps in networks that they use to infiltrate and compromise vulnerable systems and applications. more

How Radix Is Helping Websites Stand Out With Meaningful, Descriptive Domains

Boasting more than 5 million domains under its management, Radix gives website owners and brands several vibrant, refreshing ways to craft an online presence. more

Thoughts and Recommendations on Addressing Vulnerability Exploitation

Cybercriminals aren't always as creative as we think they are. There is a myth about them having a never-ending supply of techniques and tricks up their sleeves. However, many can't be considered as innovators in their shady field. more

Can IP Geolocation Contribute to Detecting Online Credit Card Fraud?

The problem of credit card fraud is not set to be resolved anytime soon. On the one hand, detecting and preventing the artifice is one of the most challenging aspects of e-commerce. more

Is Blocking via IP Geolocation the Answer to Preventing DDoS Attacks?

If there's anything we learned about the threat landscape, it's that none of us are safe from malicious actors. Becoming a victim is not a matter of "if" but "when." Enterprises are now aware that the thought of being "too big to fail" is no longer applicable. more