/ Industry Updates

Even for Available Domain Names, There Is No Leaving WHOIS History to Chance

A lot of thinking and energy often goes into finding the "best" Internet domain name for a new brand, product, or service. So, isn't it wonderful when the perfect match turns out to be available right away for purchase with any big registrar? more

How Cyber Threat Intelligence Feeds Can Support MSSPs

Organizations that don't have a dedicated pool of cybersecurity experts often hire managed security service providers (MSSPs) to help them ward off attempts and attacks. Yet in today's ever-dangerous cyber threat landscape, even the best service providers may fall for cybercriminals' traps. more

Digital Asset Security: Back to Basics

Everyone is aware of the current worldwide cyber attacks and data breaches hitting major brands from every direction, but not everyone knows how to defend their brand against them. It may seem hopeless and, at times, impossible, but it's not. more

Addressing Business Email Compromise in the Time of Coronavirus with Email Validation

Cybercriminals know no boundaries. While the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, threat actors continue to attack businesses that may already be suffering from operational setbacks. more

New MailYourBallot.vote Site Supports Vote-By-Mail Amid COVID Concerns

Monolith Registry, the registry operator for the dotVOTE web address today announces the launch of MailYourBallot.vote, a fast, easy to use central location to find the latest information about how to vote by mail in YOUR state. more

Radix Temporarily Waives Off Domain Restoration Fee

In an effort to reduce customer burden on domain-related spending during current market conditions, we are supporting a temporary waiver on the Restore Fee for all Radix TLDs. This waiver is in effect from Tuesday, April 14th, 2020. more

Brand Monitor and Typosquatting Data Feed: Two Assets to Support Spear-Phishing Prevention

Spear-phishing email attacks pose a significant challenge to most organizations. A successful attempt can cost a company an average of US$1.6 million per incident. more

Combating COVID-19 Cybercrime – What Internet Infrastructure Providers Like Afilias Are Doing

The ongoing Coronavirus pandemic has been fertile ground for scams and misinformation. Social platforms have been in the news for their efforts to protect users from such problems. What are Internet infrastructure providers like Afilias doing to keep spammers, phishers and other criminals from preying on Internet users? more

What Cyber Threat Intelligence Tools Can Reveal about a Targeted Attack

Targeted attacks are considered insidious digital threats as they may lead to debilitating data breaches with substantial financial repercussions. Apart from money lost to theft, victims may shed even more resources as they face expensive lawsuits, hefty fines, and settlements for failing to comply with data privacy regulations in addition to reputational damage. more

Prime Domains Released for the PR Industry: Historic Release of 64,000 Premium Names Ending in .PR

Today, nic.PR (the .PR registry operator) and Afilias (its technology partner) announce the release of 64,000 prime dotPR names beginning at 0900 EDT. Internet addresses ending in ".PR" are the best names for public relations professionals. Many great .PR names have been on reserve at the registry for years, until today. more