/ Industry Updates

A Re-Examination of the Defense of Laches After 18 Years of the UDRP

After 18 years of the UDRP, it is time to re-examine the defense of laches. When the UDRP was launched in 1999, the defense of "laches" was likely not foremost on anyone's mind. After all, "laches" refers to a lack of diligence in making a legal claim - and since the UDRP was brand new and the commercial use of domain names was in its relative infancy in 1999, nobody was really concerned with a trademark owner having "unreasonably delayed" making a UDRP complaint. more

Afilias Selected to Provide Registry Services for .PR ccTLD

Gauss Research Laboratories, the .PR ccTLD manager, announces that it has selected Afilias to provide technical services to support Puerto Rico's country code top level domain (ccTLD) on the Internet, .PR. more

Afilias Selected to Provide Registry Services for .AU ccTLD

Afilias announced today that Afilias Australia Pvt. Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary located in Melbourne, has been chosen by .au Domain Administration Limited (auDA) to provide registry services in support of Australia's .AU country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) beginning July 1, 2018. more

Radix Set to Cross $12 Million in Annual Revenue in 2017

Radix announced that it has reached $11.7 million in annual revenue and expects to surpass the $12 million milestone before the end of the calendar year 2017. This is the first time that Radix has shared its financial numbers. more

i2Coalition Statement on FCC Passage of “Restoring Internet Freedom Order”

i2Coalition worked hard to prevent the vote from turning out this way. Now that it has, we are committed to continuing the fight and will seek strong Net Neutrality protections through other means. more

Why UDRP Panelists Must Follow the Policy: A Look at the Devex.org Decision

Observers of the UDRP are aware that ICANN has substantially abrogated responsibility for oversight of the UDRP. ICANN accredits dispute resolution providers (DRPs) without requiring a contract so that the DRPs are held to no enforceable standards. more

Statement on Industry Letter Concerning WTO Civil Society Expert Accreditation

Today the i2Coalition has joined the Internet Association and CCIA in sending a letter to Director General Roberto Azevedo of the World Trade Organization regarding the accreditation of civil society experts to 11th Annual Ministerial Meeting. more

Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations in October

Keeping in the spirit of the zeitgeist that .com and .net domain name registration trends can represent, Verisign publishes this monthly blog post series identifying the top 10 trending .com and .net keywords registered in English during the preceding month. more

Radix Reports Subsequent Renewal Rate of 77% for Three of Its Largest TLDs

Radix, the world's 4th largest domain portfolio registry shared the renewal rate for three of its most popular TLDs, .ONLINE, .TECH and .SITE. Launched in July and August 2015, these TLDs are up for subsequent (2nd cycle) renewal and are seeing a healthy overall renewal rate of 77%. more

Verisign Launches NameStudio to Help Businesses and Individuals Find Great Domain Names

Today, Verisign introduced NameStudio™, a new easy-to-use domain name brainstorming service designed to enable startups, small businesses and individuals to find great domain names for their business or ideas. more