/ Industry Updates

Top 10 Trending Keywords in .COM and .NET Registrations in April

With more than 300 million domain names registered globally, there are numerous examples of trending keywords reflected by domain name registrations. We have shown in the past that there is a correlation between domain name registrations and newsworthy and popular events, as well as anticipated trends. more

i2Coalition Hires Policy Director, Monica Sanders

The i2Coalition announces the hiring of Policy Director, Monica Sanders. Monica will coordinate i2Coalition work on the policy initiatives chosen for focus by the member-led i2Coalition Working Groups. more

Navigating IPv4 Market: Industry Pioneers Marc Lindsey and Janine Goodman to Speak at Interop ITX

Learn how to navigate the current market, including tips on Internet registry policies and contracting best practices in this post-free pool world. Interop ITX is an independent education conference for the IT community and will be held at the Mirage in Las Vegas this year, April 30 - May 4. more

eco/i2Coalition Update Webinar on ICANN Contracted Party GDPR Compliance

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has presented several data models to its contracted parties regarding their contractual arrangements with ICANN and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). more

DNS-Based Threats: Cache Poisoning

As DNS attacks grow in frequency and impact, organizations can no longer afford to overlook DNS security as part of their overall defense-in-depth strategy. As with IT security in general, no single tactic can address the entire DNS threat landscape or secure the complete DNS ecosystem. more

dotPR Addresses Remain Operational Despite Puerto Rico Island Wide Power Outage

Gauss Research Laboratories, the .PR ccTLD manager, is pleased to announce that addresses are still up and running and will work worldwide despite the power situation in Puerto Rico. more

KSK Rollover Webinar to Be Held with ECO and ICANN Tuesday, April 24th

The i2Coalition is proud to announce that it will be holding a joint webinar with eco – Association of the Internet Industry, on the upcoming root KSK rollover in conjunction with ICANN on Tuesday, April 24th at 11 AM EST (UTC -4). more

2018 Internet Community Leadership Award to Be Presented to Allison Heather and Stephen Mayhew

Today we're announcing the recipients of our 2018 "Ron Yokubaitis Internet Community Leadership Award": longtime Internet infrastructure industry advocates and publishers, Allison Heather and Stephen Mayhew. more

Afilias to Support ICANN Community Response to the EU’s GDPR

Afilias today announced that it is temporarily suspending plans to limit the display of WHOIS data to comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) currently scheduled to take effect on 25 May, 2018. more

i2Coalition Focuses on Intermediary Liability Issues

We are announcing that we are forming a new ad hoc group to handle policy issues arising in regards to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and other related intermediary liability concerns. more