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‘Not the Best Time’ for Proposed Russia-U.S. Cyber Unit, Says NSA Chief

NSA chief, Mike Rogers during the annual Aspen Security Forum on Saturday, shunned the proposed Russia-U.S. cyber unit, stating "I would argue now is probably not the best time to be doing this." more

Kansas System Hacked, Social Security Numbers of Millions Accessed Spanning 10 States

Hackers breached a Kansas Department of Commerce data system used across multiple states and gained access to more than 5.5 million Social Security Numbers, according to local news sources. more

The URS Also Applies to These Top-Level Domains

The Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) is often described as a domain name dispute policy that applies to the new gTLDs. While that's true, the URS is actually broader than that. The URS (a quick and inexpensive policy that allows a trademark owner to obtain the temporary suspension of a domain name) applies to more than just the new gTLDs, that is, those top-level domains that are a part of ICANN's 2012 domain name expansion. more

Mid-Year .brands Review: 2017 Off to a Brilliant Start

If you've read my blogs in the past, you'll know that I'm really passionate about the benefits that .brands can deliver to organizations and their customers. We are now half way through 2017 which provides us with an opportunity to have a good hard look at the data and reflect on the last six months in the .brands space. Here is the punchline -- it's pretty damn impressive, and for a variety of reasons. more

Somalia’s Extended Internet Outage Results in Millions of Dollars of Loss per Day, Says Government

Somalia's internet connection was finally restored on Monday after weeks of outage due to a severed undersea cable. more

Rightside, Donuts Merger Gets the Green Light from ICANN

New top-level domain registry operators, Rightside Group, Ltd. (NASDAQ:NAME) and Donuts Inc. have received ICANN's express consent on their merger plans announced last month. more

Over 190 Internet Engineers, Pioneers, Technologists File Comments with FCC on Net Neutrality

A group of over 190 Internet engineers, pioneers, and technologists today filed joint comments with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) explaining "Technical Flaws in the FCC's Notice of Proposed Rule-making and the Need for the Light-Touch, Bright-Line Rules from the Open Internet Order." more

U.S. Cyber Command to Split Off from NSA

The Unites States is finalizing plans to revamp the nation’s military command for defensive and offensive cyber operations in hopes of intensifying America’s ability to wage cyberwar against the Islamic State group and other foes, according to U.S. officials. more

Extreme Cyberattack Could Cost as Much as Superstorm Sandy, Says Insurer Lloyd’s of London

A global cyberattack has the potential to cost $120bn in economic losses, roughly the equivalent of a catastrophic natural disaster like 2012’s Superstorm Sandy, a scenario described in new research by Lloyd’s of London and Cyence, a cyber-risk analytics modeling firm. more

APT: The Cancer Within

Unless you have a team employing the latest proactive threat-hunting techniques, the stealthy Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) hiding in your network can pass by completely unnoticed. There are as many definitions of APT as experts writing about the topic, so let's boil it down to the simple essentials: APTs are usually implanted and maintained by a team of malicious actors with the intention of living long term in your network while extracting valuable private information. more

“Net Neutrality” Protects New Monopolies from Old

Over the next decade which companies do you think will be better able to exercise monopoly power? Amazon, T&T, Comcast, Facebook, Google, Regional phone companies, or Verizon? If you'd asked me this question in 2000, I would've picked AT&T, Comcast, Verizon, and regional phone companies. They are part of local duopolies for wired infrastructure. more

CENTR Awards to Include Best Domain Name Registry as Chosen by Registrars

CENTR, the body which represent of European domain registries, will be holding its annual awards again this year. What's different for 2017 however is that they've added a new category: "Registry of the Year Award" ... And unlike with the other award categories, this one is open for voting to the registrar channel. The online voting or ranking is open now and is open to registrars who have a direct relationship with the registries. more

EFF: Internet Went All Out in Support of Net Neutrality

Yesterday's "Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality," resulted in more than 3.4 million emails to U.S. Congress and more than 1.6 million comments to the Federal Communications Commission. more

Apple Setting Up First Data Center in China to Comply with Tougher Cybersecurity Laws

Apple today reported it is constructing its first data center in China, in partnership with a local internet services company, in order to comply with the tougher cybersecurity laws enacted last month. more

Complete Internet Shutdown Reported in Syria

While Syria's Internet disruptions in the recent past have been linked to Government's efforts to prevent cheating during national high school exams, today's complete Internet shutdown reported by Dyn Research is unknown and does not appear to be exam-related. more