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GNU C Library Found Vulnerable to Rogue DNS Server Attacks

Security experts from Google's Project Zero along with researchers from Red Hat, have identified and helped patch a security flaw in the GNU C Library (glibc) that could be exploited via rogue DNS servers, reports Catalin Cimpanu from Softpedia. more

India’s Net Neutrality Win: Lessons for Developing Countries

On 8th February, 2015, Internet users celebrated news that the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India had passed regulation prohibiting ISPs from discriminating access to data services based on content". This directive follows similar developments in the U.S, E.U, Chile et al, and is a huge milestone in the fight for Net Neutrality: the principle that ISPs should treat all Internet traffic the same way. Meanwhile, Net Neutrality issues are not unique to India. more

US Senate Gives Final OK to Ban Internet Taxes

The U.S. Senate today passed legislation placing a permanent ban on states' taxing Internet access, sending the measure to President Obama for signing into law. more

Obama Proposes $19 Billion for Cybersecurity in Final Budget Plan

President Obama is seeking a 35 percent increase in cybersecurity funding in his final budget to boost the capability of the federal government to defend itself against cyberattacks, reports Ellen Nakashima in the Washington Post. more

Is the DMCA an Effective Way to Take Down Infringing Content?

As promised at an end-of-the-year (2015) announcement, the U.S. Copyright Office has now launched a comment submission process about the "safe harbor provisions" of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA is often used by copyright owners to get infringing content - images, text, videos, music, even software - removed from problematic websites. more

EURid Gets .?? (Cyrillic for .eu)

EURid, who run the .eu registry, have finally been delegated .?? (Cyrillic for .eu). Punycode xn--e1a4c. One of the things that EURid is chartered to do under its contract to the European Commission was to get the extension in scripts other than Latin. EURid used ICANN's IDN ccTLD "Fast Track" process, though whether the process is truly "fast" or not is debatable, as it is still quite a long process. more

ICANN Names Göran Marby as New President and CEO

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) today released the much anticipated news regarding its new President and CEO. Göran Marby, currently Director-General of the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS), has been named ICANN's next President and CEO. Marby will succeed current President and CEO Fadi Chehadé whose term finishes on March 15, 2016. more

How to Choose a Cyber Threat Intelligence Provider

Throughout the course of my career I've been blessed to work with some of the most talented folks in the security and cyber threat intelligence (CTI) mission space to create a variety of different capabilities in the public, private and commercial sectors. Before I came to lead the Verisign iDefense team about five years ago, I had to evaluate external cyber-intelligence vendors to complement and expand the enterprise capabilities of my former organization. more

Smart Cities Love IPv6

I recently attended a Forum on Internet of Things in Smart Sustainable Cities: A New Age of Smarter Living staged in Singapore on 18 January 2016. The public forum provided a contextual overview to the second meeting of the ITU Study Group 20: IoT and its applications including Smart Cities and Communities which took place back-to-back with the Forum. more

Cisco’s Big Bet on IoT, Acquires Jasper for $1.4 Billion

Cisco has announced its intent to acquire Jasper Technologies, Inc., a privately held company based in Santa Clara, which provides a cloud-based IoT service platform helping enterprises and service providers launch, manage and monetize IoT services on a global scale. more

Mozilla Announces End of Firefox OS, Will Put Focus on IoT

Development of Firefox OS will soon cease completely and by the end of May, company has announced, it will pull all staff and resources completely away from Firefox OS. "The circumstances of multiple established operating systems and app ecosystems meant that we were playing catch-up, and the conditions were not there for Mozilla to win on commercial smartphones," according to a statement from Mozilla developer George Roter. more

Republican Presidential Candidate Upset With ICANN CEO

Republican senator and US presidential candidate Ted Cruz is not very happy with ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade. In a letter dated today, Cruz along with two other senators, have dropped some pointed questions for Chehade in relation to his involvement with a recent meeting in China... "As you must know, the World Internet Conference is not a beacon of free speech..." more

Pulling the Trump Card on Cloud and SDN

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) have been picking up the pace as of late. A high percentage of communication service providers and large data centers have either added these technologies on their roadmaps, or are already doing small-scale Proof-of-Concepts (PoC) in their testbed environments. more

Lessons to Be Learned from the Armada Collective’s DDoS Attacks on Greek Banks

'It could've been worse' is a fascinating expression. It implies that the incident in question obviously could have been worse than expected, however it also implies that it could have been better, ultimately leading to the conclusion that it was at least somewhat bad. So both fortunately and unfortunately for three Greek banks, the ransom DDoS attacks levied against them by hacker group the Armada Collective could have been worse. more

Cuba to Launch Residential Broadband

Cuba has announced it is launching country's first broadband home Internet servicea, a potentially major step forward in bringing the island online. more