Meg Bear

Meg Bear

Senior VP, General Manager Cloud Services at Imperva
Joined on February 2, 2016
Total Post Views: 13,203


Global responsibility for growing the company’s portfolio of cloud services, including Imperva Incapsula, Imperva Skyfence, and Imperva Threat Radar.

Transformational, collaborative and visionary senior executive, with a proven track record for delivery of complex enterprise business applications.

Experienced in all aspects of the software development lifecycle, with a unique ability to convert vision into action building the systems, teams and plans required to get quick and sustainable results.

Passionate about creating technology to improve business results and make work better. Inspired by market shifts and technology disruption.

Specialties: Cloud Computing, Customer Experience, Social Business and Collaboration inside and outside the Enterprise.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Meg Bear on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Lessons to Be Learned from the Armada Collective’s DDoS Attacks on Greek Banks

'It could've been worse' is a fascinating expression. It implies that the incident in question obviously could have been worse than expected, however it also implies that it could have been better, ultimately leading to the conclusion that it was at least somewhat bad. So both fortunately and unfortunately for three Greek banks, the ransom DDoS attacks levied against them by hacker group the Armada Collective could have been worse. more

Topic Interests

CybersecurityCyberattackDDoS AttackThreat Intelligence

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