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Obama Proposes $19 Billion for Cybersecurity in Final Budget Plan

U.S. President Barack Obama speaking during a meeting with members of the national security team and cybersecurity advisors on new actions to enhance the national cybersecurity, including those outlined in the 2017 Budget proposal at the White House.

President Obama is seeking a 35 percent increase in cybersecurity funding in his final budget to boost the capability of the federal government to defend itself against cyberattacks, reports Ellen Nakashima in the Washington Post today. “The proposed $19 billion request, which represents one of the largest increases ever sought in this area, comes as Congress and the public have witnessed an alarming series of intrusions in recent years against targets ranging from Target and Sony to the Pentagon and the Office of Personnel Management.”

The government plans to invest $62 million in cybersecurity personnel, as the federal government will get its first chief information security officer to lead the charge to secure the US government.

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