

Association of the Internet Industry
Joined on October 8, 2020
Total Post Views: 100,160


With over 1,100 member companies, eco is the largest Internet industry association in Europe. Since 1995 eco has played a decisive role in shaping the Internet, fostering new technologies, forming framework conditions, and representing the interests of members in politics and international committees. eco’s key topics are the reliability and strengthening of digital infrastructure, IT security, and trust, ethics, and self-regulation. That is why eco advocates for a free, technologically-neutral, and high-performance Internet.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by eco on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Company Updates

eco Survey Shows: One in Four Germans Has Been a Victim of Illegal Websites

The Internet is a daily companion for billions of people worldwide, enabling them to make their lives more connected, efficient and flexible. However, the World Wide Web also has its dark side: one of these is illegal websites, which can harm those affected by data misuse or malware, among other things. more

eco Launches Survey on the Adoption of DNSSEC

Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) are security protocol extensions for the Domain Name System (DNS), designed to ensure the integrity and authenticity of DNS data. more

eco Provides Recommendations for the Effective Use of ICANN’s Registration Data Request Services (RDRS)

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is offering a new and free service for requesting registration data in connection with generic top-level domains (gTLDs). more

Workshop Report Published: State of the DNS in 2022

In November 2022, eco's topDNS Initiative invited about 30 experts, including representatives of three different Directorate Generals by the EU Commission, to a workshop in Brussels to work together on a secure future for the DNS (Domain Name System). The topDNS Initiative has now published its 28-page final report. more

The IT & Tech Industry Badly Needs Female Reinforcement

Across the globe, just one quarter of IT & tech specialists are women, and in Europe, the proportion is even lower at 18.5 percent. At the age of 15, ten times more boys than girls have an interest in becoming tech professionals. more

eco Comments on European Commission Study on DNS Abuse

The eco Association welcomes the impetus of the European Commission and the authors to "analyse the scope, impact and magnitude of DNS abuse." The present "Study on Domain Name System (DNS) Abuse" is one of the most comprehensive works on this topic. more

eco topDNS Initiative Fights DNS Abuse

The eco initiative topDNS wants to protect the Domain Name System (DNS) even better from abuse in the future. Leading companies in the industry - including VeriSign, CentralNic, Public Interest Registry, IQ Global AS, Leaseweb and Realtime Register - are among the first supporters of the initiative. more

Smart City Market Boom: New eco Study Forecasts Over 17 Percent Annual Growth

The future belongs to Smart Cities, as evidenced by the new joint study by the eco Association and the management consultancy Arthur D. Little, supported by NetCologne, Cloudflare, Uber and the Vodafone Institute. The study forecasts an average annual growth in Germany of over 17 percent. more

Together for the Good of the Internet: eco Complaints Office Registers More Reports Than Ever Before

For 25 years, the Complaints Office of eco -- Association of the Internet Industry has been successfully combatting illegal content on the Internet. The 2020 report now available shows that the independent hotline is making a significant contribution to the take-down and criminal investigation of illegal content. more

DNS Over HTTPS: Spanish Version of eco Discussion Paper on DoH Available

Throughout the history of the Internet, traditional DNS traffic - for example, when a user types a website name into a browser - has largely been unencrypted. The DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol, which first emerged in 2018, makes use of the well-known secure HTTPS web protocol to change that. more

New Study by eco Alliance: Best Practices Show Future Potential for Green IT 2030

Are European data centres ready for the climate targets of the EU Green Deal, to strengthen climate and environmental protection through digitalisation? A new study with best practices in the field of energy-efficient data centres formulates technological development potentials as well as policy recommendations. more