Roger Cochetti

Roger Cochetti

Author and Commentator on Internet and Commercial Space Policy
Joined on July 26, 2013
Total Post Views: 12,787


Roger Cochetti is a Washington DC-based author and advisor on Internet and commercial space policy issues. He is the author of The Mobile Satellite Handbook (Wiley publishers) and a regular editorial contributor on technology policy to The Hill newspaper. Previously, he directed public affairs and aspects of strategic business planning for COMSAT; worldwide Internet public policies for IBM; global public affairs for Network Solutions and VeriSign; and US public affairs for CompTIA.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Roger Cochetti on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Facebook’s “Supreme Court” Has Implications for International Law

Last year, Facebook created its widely dubbed "Supreme Court" (officially the Oversight Board) in an effort to outsource some of the platform's most difficult content decisions. By all accounts, Facebook hoped the Board would have global legitimacy to make the toughest content decisions and help avoid reputational damage for being biased, arbitrary, tone-deaf, or worse. more

Topic Interests

LawPolicy & RegulationInternet Governance

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