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New Wireless Data Transmission Can Send Contents of a Conventional DVD in Under 10 Seconds

With a data rate of 6 Gigabit per second over a distance of 37 kilometers, a collaborative project in Germany including researchers from the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics IAF has exceeded "the state of the art by a factor of 10" -- equivalent to transmitting the contents of a conventional DVD in under ten seconds. more

Marketo’s Path to Being Acquired

Happy Early Memorial Day. Once an ESP or marketing automation company declares itself for sale, there seems to be a mass exodus by investors, which sends up a red flag, (well in this case, a red & white striped flag). This past week there were rumblings about the potential suitors for Marketo. While it is rumored that German company SAP is the front-runner, there are many other potential suitors circling the marketing automation software company. more

66 Percent of Mobile Device Connections Will be IPv6 Capable by 2020, Says Cisco Report

IPv6 traffic is expected to reach 54 percent of total mobile data traffic, up from 13 percent in 2015, according to Cisco Visual Networking Index (VNI) Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast, 2015-2020 which has since being updated with additional study. The report also predicts by 2020, 66 percent of mobile devices/connections will be IPv6-capable - up from 36 percent in 2015. more

Strategic Use of Screenshots from the Wayback Machine

Internet Archive contains a vast library of screenshots of websites that its Wayback Machine captures sporadically over the course of domain names' histories. While it doesn't compile daily images it opens a sufficient window to past use which is unique, invaluable, and free. (There are also subscription services, but they come at a hefty cost!). How it's used (and why the Wayback Machine should be in a party's toolkit) for supporting and opposing claims of cybersquatting is illuminated in a number of recent UDRP cases. more

Republicans Threaten to Derail IANA Transition

Republican congressmen continue their efforts in delaying the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) transition from the US government to ICANN. Kieren McCarthy reporting in The Register writes: "For the third time, a House Appropriations subcommittee has included a provision in a must-pass bill that would prevent the Department of Commerce from using any funds in the transition of the IANA contract from the department to non-profit California organization ICANN..." more

Using Data to Amplify Your Business

The digital realm is bursting with data. The buzz words of today are "big data," and I know you've heard them. There's a reason why. It can boost business in extraordinary ways. But how? Let's first look at what exactly big data is: enormous collections of information developed either internally from the company itself or from a vast array of new media. At times, this data is so large, it cannot be analyzed using standard means of examination. more

.Canon, .Nikon and the Other Twenty Plus Photography-Related TLDs

A few days ago, Canon announced its move to a new domain name using its ".canon" extension, but did you know that there is a .NIKON new gTLD too? While the photography industry strengthens its presence online with these two major trademarks launching their dedicated top-level domains, there are a lot more generic extensions in the world of photography. more

Canon Takes Its .brand to the World, Moves Its Global Site to .CANON

As the .brand movement continues to gain momentum across the globe, this week's announcement of yet another high-profile .brand launch was fantastic news for the industry. Japanese powerhouse Canon publicly announced the transition of its global homepage from www.canon.com to www.global.canon and even created a simple, yet powerful image to highlight the innovative move. more

U. S. Government Blasts China’s Draft Domain Regulations

In an unexpected move, the two top U.S. officials charged with the Obama Administration's Internet policy have issued a joint statement severely criticizing draft Chinese domain policies. On May 16th, the State Department's Ambassador Daniel A. Sepulveda and NTIA's Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information Lawrence E. Strickling issued an official statement titled "China's Internet Domain Name Measures and the Digital Economy". more

Proving Common Law Rights Predating Domain Name Registration

The trademark rights required for standing under paragraph 4(a)(i) of the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) refer to both registered and unregistered rights. Complainants with registered trademarks satisfy the requirement by submitting their certificates of registration. However, and not surprisingly, complainants with unregistered trademarks have to demonstrate that the alleged marks qualify as such, which requires that complainants prove both secondary meaning of the marks and their distinctiveness prior to the registration of the domain name. more

Sweden Makes its TLD Zone File Publicly Available

Patrik Wallström writes to report that as of today, IIS (The Internet Foundation In Sweden) has made the zone files for .se and .nu domain names publicly available for the first time. "The underlying reason for making the zone files for .se and .nu available is our endeavour at IIS to promote transparency and openness. IIS has made the assessment that the zone files do not contain any confidential information and, therefore, there is no reason not to make this information available." more

PirateBay Domains to Be Handed over to the State, Swedish Court Rules

The Swedish court ruling on Thursday will result in confiscation of 'ThePirateBay.se' and 'PirateBay.se' from one the worlds most popular torrent websites. more

Moving Towards a Better (Not Just a Bigger) Internet

Those of us who have been working on IPv6 for over 15 years know what it means to be an advocate for an infrastructure technology that cannot be easily tied to new revenue or short-term risks. It is a battle on an icy uphill slope with head winds and a gallery of skeptics who call themselves realists and cheer your every bruise. This has often made us cheer any news of a new IPv6 deployment, as a means to keep faith. However in doing so, it sometimes made us overlook the substance of that news... more

WordPress Announces New .BLOG TLD, to be Available This Year

Automattic, the parent company of the popular blogging platform WordPress, today announced plans to make the new .blog TLD available for registration this year. Earlier this year, the company secured the rights to oversee and operate the registration of the highly contested new generic TLD. more

Hong Kong Billionaire Richard Li Becomes First Person to Own a TLD Matching His Name

The new top-level domain (TLD) .richardli secured for the Hong Kong billionaire Richard Li went live on the internet today. Kevin Murphy reporting in Domain Incite: "The registry is Pacific Century Asset Management (HK) Limited, a subsidiary of PCCW, the Hong Kong telecomms and internet giant of which Li is chair... The gTLD is a pure brand-protection play, according to the 2012 application" more