Ciprian Popoviciu

Ciprian Popoviciu

Founder and CEO at Nephos6
Joined on May 12, 2016
Total Post Views: 8,642


Ciprian Popoviciu is president, CEO and founder of Nephos6, a consultancy specializing in IPv6 and cloud computing.

Prior to starting Nephos6, Popoviciu spent more than 13 years working for Cisco Systems in various technical and leadership roles covering the strategy, architecture, validation and implementation of global, large-scale cloud and IPv6 adoption. He is an industry-recognized IPv6 domain expert, contributing to both protocol standardization and the definition of national-level strategies for IPv6 adoption.

Ciprian has written two books on IPv6, Deploying IPv6 Networks and Global IPv6 Strategies. He co-authored five IPv6-related Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Requests for Comments (RFCs) and multiple IPv6-related patents. Ciprian is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences, and he is an active contributor to various technology and scientific publications.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Ciprian Popoviciu on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Moving Towards a Better (Not Just a Bigger) Internet

Those of us who have been working on IPv6 for over 15 years know what it means to be an advocate for an infrastructure technology that cannot be easily tied to new revenue or short-term risks. It is a battle on an icy uphill slope with head winds and a gallery of skeptics who call themselves realists and cheer your every bruise. This has often made us cheer any news of a new IPv6 deployment, as a means to keep faith. However in doing so, it sometimes made us overlook the substance of that news... more

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IPv6 Transition

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Moving Towards a Better (Not Just a Bigger) Internet