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Australia Booting Infected Computers Off Their Networks

The Australian has a good article describing the efforts some of their ISPs are making in an attempt to clean up their act: the government is encouraging ISPs to detect computers on their network that are infected and part of botnets, and to communicate to the customer that their system is compromised... Unless the customer feels a little bit of pain they will not change their ways. more

Google Reported to Be Pushing Trump Administration for Exemption on Huawei Ban, Citing Security Risk

Reports on Friday said Google has indicated that the Huawei ban poses security risks for US consumers and is asking the Trump administration for an exception. According to a report by the Financial Times, Google executives are warning the ban will force China to develop its own Android software independent from Google and thus leading to security flaws and bugs. more

Basketball Australia Switches Its Official Website to New Top-Level Domain .Basketball

As part of a plan to unify Australian basketball digital front, Basketball Australia is moving its official website to a new TLD-based domain name at www.australia.basketball. more

New Harvard Study Recognizes Community-Owned Internet Service Providers as Value Leaders in America

Community-owned fiber networks provide least-expensive local "broadband," according to a recent study by Harvard's Berkman Klein Center. more

Reconsideration Request Denied

Having been passed over by the "old guard" Board Governance Committee of ICANN Board of Directors, I took the occasion to speak from my heart to provide the "new guard" with the observations of a 16-year ICANN volunteer. For those of you in the community who are wondering what happened, what follows is word for word what I shared with the Board of ICANN at my closed door proceedings. more

Revisiting Internet Governance

You might recall that I played an advisory role to the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in 2012 in Dubai. In the run-up to that event -- as well as during and after it -- I gave my opinion on the role of internet governance, plus an analysis of what was happening. At that time I held a more conciliatory position on the issue, but you may have noticed that, in the wake of the Snowden revelations and the illegal NSA activities, as well as many other similar activities from ASIO in Australia and no doubt the Russian, Israeli and Chinese authorities, my position has shifted significantly. more

Russia Bans Sale of Smartphones, Computers and Other Devices Not Pre-Installed With Russian Software

Russia has passed a law banning the sale of certain devices such as smartphones, computers and smart televisions if not pre-installed with Russian software. more

Important Milestone in IANA Stewardship Transition: NTIA Says Proposal Meets Criteria

Today, the global Internet community reached an important milestone. The US Department of Commerce National Telecommunications & Information Administration (NTIA) announced that the community-developed proposal to transition the stewardship of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions meets the criteria it set out in March 2014. more

Cuba Censors SMS Messages ... for Now

What could the Cuban government do with Russia-style access to Facebook data? What sorts of fake news could they create and circulate on YouTube and Pinterest? What can be done to control the dark side of the Cuban Internet? Cuba is about to hold a referendum on a proposed constitution that the government supports and Eduardo Sanchez posted a test showing that SMS messages with anti-referendum terms. more

Has Real “Change” Come to ICANN? (How to Repair Trust Part I.5)

Just under 4 years ago and fresh from his world celebrated election win of the White House and the US Presidency on a platform of "Change Has Come To America", newly elected US President Barak Obama packed his bags and headed to Cairo on a strategic vision and mission that included delivering a speech from Cairo University aimed at winning the trust of Arabs and Muslims worldwide... This morning in Toronto, Canada new ICANN President and CEO Fadi ChehadĂ© will also attempt a similar feat that is no less important to the world than that of Obama's 4 years ago. more

Deadline TOMORROW to Apply to Represent the “Technical Community” at the Brazil Meeting and in 1Net

Are you interested in being a representative of the "technical community" to the "Global Multistakeholder Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance" happening in April 2014 in Brazil? Or would you like to represent the technical community on the "1net Steering Committee" that is guiding the future of the 1net initiative? If so, THE DEADLINE IS TOMORROW, Friday, January 10, 2014, to submit your expression of interest in being considered for a role on those committees. more

Bringing a Responsible Closure to the gTLD Implement Process

Last Friday ICANN released an updated new generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Applicant Guidebook that appears to have taken a number of positive steps toward closing the divide between the ICANN Board and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC). One of the more important changes to the Applicant Guidebook was the following text... more

Moving to the Cloud? 10 Key Questions for CIOs

Companies are moving to the cloud. According to Cloud Tech, CIOs are on the front lines: In 72 percent of companies surveyed, chief information officers lead the cloud computing charge. However, adoption without the right information is doomed to fail - here are 10 key questions CIOs should ask before moving operations to the cloud... First, it's critical to identify business benefits. Here the key to success lies in specifics rather than generalities... more

Exploits, Curdled Milk and Nukes (Oh my!)

Throughout the second half of 2012 many security folks have been asking "how much is a zero-day vulnerability worth?" and it's often been hard to believe the numbers that have been (and continue to be) thrown around. For the sake of clarity though, I do believe that it's the wrong question... the correct question should be "how much do people pay for working exploits against zero-day vulnerabilities?" more

IPv6: Less Talk and More Walk

The sixth month of the year is both symbolic and historic for IPv6 and a good time to take stock and see how we've progressed. But instead of looking at the usual suspects of number of networks, number of users, number of websites, etc... on IPv6, let's look at some new trends to see what's happening. At gogo6 we've been measuring the "Buzz" of the IPv6 market every week over the last two and a half years. more