PR & Content Manager at SingleHop
Joined on September 23, 2016
Total Post Views: 9,242
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Ryan Hunt is editor of the SingleHop’s Think IT Blog. He has a decade of experience in internal communications, public relations and market research. Prior to SingleHop, Ryan served as a researcher, writer and spokesperson for CareerBuilder, frequently providing commentary for job market and workplace stories in national publications and broadcast media.
Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Ryan Hunt on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Companies are moving to the cloud. According to Cloud Tech, CIOs are on the front lines: In 72 percent of companies surveyed, chief information officers lead the cloud computing charge. However, adoption without the right information is doomed to fail - here are 10 key questions CIOs should ask before moving operations to the cloud... First, it's critical to identify business benefits. Here the key to success lies in specifics rather than generalities... more