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European Court Invalidates EU-US Data Pact

The personal data of Europeans held in the United States by Internet companies is not safe from US government snooping, the European court of justice ruled today, in a landmark verdict that hits Facebook, Google, Amazon and many others. more

Facing the Future of ICANN’s Volunteer Recruitment

The musings of one volunteer summarize the problem: "As a newcomer to ICANN, I was always frustrated by the fact that I could never get a straight answer to the question 'How much time does it take?' There was always an awkward silence, a vaguely worded response. Now, years later, I know that no one in their right mind would sign up knowingly for the long hours and late shifts required to be a full participant in this game. It is a groundbreaking project that really matters. But you will get a lot more recognition and immediate satisfaction for volunteering far fewer hours at your local food bank." more

Report on Governments Involved in Edited DNS Responses

Earl Zmijewski reporting in Renesys Blog: "There's been sudden interest recently in a Chinese route hijacking incident that occurred way back in April, brought about by a new report to the US Congress that highlighted the event. A second Chinese event, also in the report, has received almost no attention despite being much more interesting (technically, anyway). A Chinese DNS censorship incident occurred just one month earlier, in March..." more

UK Government Reports Nearly Half of Businesses Identified Cyber Security Breaches in the Past Year

The UK government has released the results of national cybersecurity survey revealing nearly seven in ten large companies in the country have identified a breach or attack in the past 12 months. more

No Reason to Delay the IANA Transition, Says Internet Society

The Internet Society has released a statement today in support of the timely transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions to the global Internet community, in light of latest development suggesting possible delays. more

Letter to ICANN Looks at .CBA and the New gTLD Collision Risk Mitigation Proposal

Verisign today has posted a letter as a public comment concerning ICANN's New gTLD Name Collision Risk Mitigation proposal. The letter, signed by Danny McPherson, Pat Kane (SVP Naming and Directory Services) and Tom Indelicarto (VP and Associate General Counsel), shares Verisign's analysis focused on identifying some of the systematic risks that will be exposed by the new gTLD program and who the impacted parties are likely to be. The letter takes into account details about a focused technical analysis of the .CBA applied-for string. more

Internet Architecture Board: IANA Transition Plan Is Fit for Purpose, Should Go Forward as Planned

The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) statement on the IANA Stewardship Transition released on Wednesday more

Clothing Retailer Eddie Bauer Confirms Point-Of-Sale Malware, All US, Canadian Stores Infected

In a press release yesterday evening, retailer Eddie Bauer confirmed a point-of-sale malware infection suspected by some sources as early as beginning of last month. more

US, China Reach Agreement on Guidelines to Combat Cybercrime

United States Justice Department has announced that US and China have reached an agreement governing how the two countries will request assistance to combat cybercrime. more

Iraq Shuts Down Internet Once Again to Combat Cheating

Earlier this morning, the national fiber backbone of Iraq was taken offline in an effort to combat cheating on 6th grade placement exams. more

Bill Gates: No One Was An “Absolutist” on Either Side of the Digital Privacy Debate

Speaking during a discussion on innovation hosted by Reuters in Washington, Bill Gates said that no one was an "absolutist" on either side of the digital privacy debate but that he supports Microsoft's lawsuit against the U.S. government seeking the freedom to tell customers when federal agencies have sought their data. more

NY Tech Companies Visit FCC to Express Net Neutrality Concerns

On Friday, May 2, 2014, representatives of the companies Kickstarter, Meetup, and Tumblr, along with representatives of the New York City Tech Meetup and Engine Advocacy, met with FCC staff to express their strong opposition to the FCC Chairman's draft proposal concerning network neutrality... "While the Chairman's proposal may look good on paper, it provides no certainty or effective remedy for smaller entrepreneurs building real businesses on the internet." more

Denmark Says Russia Has Been Hacking Its Defense Ministry for Past Two Years

According to a new report by the Danish government's Center for Cybersecurity, hackers have breached email accounts and servers at both the Defense Ministry and the Foreign Ministry in 2015 and 2016. more

Internet Governance and ICANN: Emerging Policy Issues, June 18th Conference Hosted by CEPS, TPI

Amy Smorodin writes: The Technology Policy Institute and the Centre for European Policy Studies are co-hosting "Internet Governance and ICANN: Emerging Policy Issues," scheduled for June 18th at CEPS in Brussels. The conference will feature discussion on issues stemming from ICANN's newly established operating structure under the Affirmation of Commitments. more

IPv6 Deployed But in Unexpected Places

Eric Vyncke reporting in the NetworkWorld: "IPv6 exists for more than 15 years and it is rumored to be deployed extensively in Asia and especially in Japan and China with Africa being the last continent to deploy IPv6. Another place where there should be a lot of deployments is of course in the USA with the US Government IPv6 mandates. But, when it comes to measure where web sites are actually deployed over IPv6, the rumor proves to be just a myth..." more