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UK First Country to Implement Cybersecurity Laws for Smart Devices, Including Banning Easily Guessable Default Passwords

Today UK's new consumer protection laws against hacking and cyber-attacks officially take effect. This legislation, a global first, mandates that all internet-connected smart devices - from smartphones and game consoles to connected refrigerators - meet stringent security standards. more

Google Announces Experiment with Post-Quantum Cryptography

Google is experimenting with new cryptography to future-proof Internet communications against quantum computers. Matt Braithwaite, Google Software Engineer in a blog post on Thursday wrote: "Quantum computers are a fundamentally different sort of computer that take advantage of aspects of quantum physics to solve certain sorts of problems dramatically faster than conventional computers can." more

Latest Study Suggests Computers Remain Infected Far Longer Than Previously Suggested

Contrary to previous security reports suggesting compromised machines remain infected for 6 weeks, experts at Trend Micro say these estimates are far from accurate. In its recent blog post the company said: "During the analysis of approximately 100 million compromised IP addresses, we identified that half of all IP addresses were infected for at least 300 days. That percentage rises to eighty percent if the minimum time is reduced to a month." Additionally the study also indicates that while three quarter of the IP addresses were linked to consumer users, the remaining quarter belonged to enterprise users. more

Over Half of Critical Infrastructure Providers Report Politically Motivated Cyber Attacks

A recent study released today suggests 53 percent of critical infrastructure providers have experienced what they perceived as politically motivated cyber attacks. According to Symantec's 2010 Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Survey, participants claimed to have experienced such an attack on an average of 10 times in the past five years, incurring an average cost of $850,000 during a period of five years to their businesses. more

EU, US Strike Deal in Principle on New Data-Sharing Agreement

The European Union has struck a deal "in principle" with the United States on a new data-sharing agreement to allow digital information to flow between borders. more

Network Down? Don’t Forget the Angry Subscribers

Whether you're a service provider or subscriber, a broken connection is an ugly situation. Operators need to shift resources to diagnose and fix the problem. Subscribers must find another way to get back online and continue with their business. And with the proliferation of cloud storage and Internet-based communication platforms, Internet connectivity is now a necessity for many. So when a disruption occurs, the angry calls are guaranteed. more

An Economic Perspective on Internet Centrality

The IETF met in November 2022 in London. Among the many sessions that were held in that meeting was a session of the Decentralised Internet Infrastructure Research Group, (DINRG). The research group's ambitions are lofty: DINRG will investigate open research issues in decentralizing infrastructure services such as trust management, identity management, name resolution, resource/asset ownership management, and resource discovery. more

United States and Britain to Conduct Financial Cyber-Security Test

U.S. and Britain plan to conduct a test later this month to assess how regulators for the world's two biggest financial centers in New York and London would communicate in the event of a major cyberattack or broader IT problems, a spokesman for British government cybersecurity body CERT-UK said on Monday. more

Whither Cyber-Insurance?

When you go to the doctor for a yearly checkup, do you think about health or insurance? You probably think about health, but the practice of going to the doctor for regular checkups began because of large life insurance companies in the United States. These companies began using statistical methods to make risk or to build actuarial tables they could use to set the premiums properly. Originally, life insurance companies relied on the "hunches" of their salesmen, combined with... more

Cuba to Launch Residential Broadband

Cuba has announced it is launching country's first broadband home Internet servicea, a potentially major step forward in bringing the island online. more

ICANN Announces Members of Its Strategy Panels

ICANN has announced a list of over 40 diverse practitioners, subject matter experts, and thought leaders as members of the ICANN Strategy Panels to support development of the organization's strategic and operational plans. more

Milton Mueller on Whether NSA Revelations Have Anything to Do With Internet Governance

In a blog post today in IGP, Milton Mueller writes: "t's not surprising that the [NSA] revelations sent ripples through the world of Internet governance. Although there seemed to be no direct connection between the controversies, the native internet institutions -- already worried about their alleged competition with the ITU -- seem to have felt as if they might be tarred with the NSA brush. On October 7, 2013, we got the Montevideo statement. In it, the ICANN President, all 5 RIR Directors, the IAB Chair, the IETF Chair, the Internet Society President, and the W3C Chief Executive Officer made two key points..." more

Satellite Broadband Rivals: Beyond Starlink’s Dominance

Starlink gets almost all of the satellite press in the U.S., which is fair since the company now serves many homes and RVs with broadband. The company currently has over 4,600 active satellites in orbit, and if it sticks with its original business plan, it will eventually have 30,000. But there are a few other satellite companies working in the broadband space that don't get the press. more

The Trade War for Undersea Fiber

A recent article by Joe Brock for Reuters describes a new geopolitical battle over undersea fibers. There are about 400 undersea fiber routes that cross oceans and that connect the world with fiber. This is a huge business, and about 95% of all international broadband traffic passes through the undersea fibers. more

Reported Cyberattack Against Israel Only Ransomware to Regulatory Body, Electric Grid Not In Danger

Ransomware via a phishing attack was sent to Israel Electric Authority, not the power grid, as was heavily reported in mainstream media today. According to a cyber analyst in Israel (Eyal Sela) the media reporting so far is misleading with regards to the context around the incident, reports Robert M. Lee of SANS Institute. more