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Google Fiber Launches 5-Gig Service in 4 of Its 12 Existing Metro Markets

Google Fiber store front sign on Center Street, Provo. Provo City (Photo: Preston Crawley)

Google Fiber is boosting its internet speeds and availability by offering a new 5-gig tier in four of its existing markets. Nick Saporito, Head of Multi-gig and Commercial Product, made the announcement in a blog post on Valentine’s day titled: Fall in love with fast—5 Gig is here!

This service provides customers with a symmetrical 5-gig connection for $125 per month, which is a competitive price in comparison to the 1-gig and 2-gig plans. Google Fiber is also preparing to launch an 8-gig service in the near future. The company is currently in the process of expanding its service to new cities across the US, including Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Nebraska, and potentially Idaho and Nevada.

The big picture: The upgraded speeds are part of Google’s rejuvenated focus on Fiber. The company recently announced its first network expansion in years. But, perhaps more crucially, it reestablishes Fiber as an industry disrupter pushing competitors to upgrade speeds and lower prices (maybe) on existing plans. Comcast already offers 6Gbps service in some areas, but it costs a whopping $300 and doesn’t include symmetrical uploads.

What’s next: Google Fiber is also working to improve its infrastructure and availability in the coming years. The company is confident that its 5-gig and 8-gig services will be enough to attract customers and keep them coming back for more.

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