Danny Aerts

Danny Aerts

Joined on January 9, 2015
Total Post Views: 11,296


He is originally from the Netherlands and came to Sweden in the mid-1990s. Danny has worked at several telecommunications companies, such as Unisource Mobile, Telia, and PTT Telecom and as CEO of the internet portal Spray.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Danny Aerts on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

What If IANA Transition Was Only a Mirage?

The U.S. government has long had a far-reaching control over the internet's technical center. What will happen now when ICANN's Board puts together a proposal on how to transfer responsibility for certain key functions within the domain name system to the internet community? Last week, ICANN had its 55th conference in Marrakech. The most important result of the meeting is that all parts of the so-called internet community approved that ICANN's Board will send a proposal to the U.S. National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) which suggests how to transfer responsibility for certain key functions within the domain name system to the internet community... more

Time to Spread the Muck, ICANN

"Money is like muck, not good except it be spread", according to English philosopher Francis Bacon. In these times when everyone is busy with the big questions surrounding the IANA transition and ICANN accountability, I thought we could quickly solve some simple questions. One of them is: What should ICANN do with all that money? What money, you might ask? more

Topic Interests

ICANNInternet Governance

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Time to Spread the Muck, ICANN

What If IANA Transition Was Only a Mirage?