Robert Rozicki

Robert Rozicki

One of those domain name types
Joined on September 15, 2004
Total Post Views: 28,654


Rob has extensive experience in all aspects of digital media and marketing including Domain Names, SEO, PPC, Email and Social Media. Rob has successfully developed online promotions and protection strategies for many of the world’s leading brands. Although Rob takes technology and media very seriously and has founded a number of start-up projects his passion is skiing. In the winter months Rob’s colleagues know that if he is not in the office, he is hunting for fresh powder. Rob has skied some of the best mountains in both hemispheres and is an active member of the ski community.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Robert Rozicki on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

The [Dot]Brand Tribes - Part 3

In part two of The [Dot] Brand Tribes we argued that introducing new branded generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) would bring value to brand owners and have positive effects on customer recognition. In this last post we'll continue that theme and talk about how brand owners can come together to provide shared spaces using the banking industry as an example. more

The [Dot]Brand Tribes - Part 2

Staggering! According to the annual Interbrand Top 100 Brands report for 2009 the top 10 global brands are worth $422,901 ($m). Good leadership, innovation, protection, reach and solid products have created lasting consumer relationships and new entanglements that drive that amazing number. In this post from my original series back in March 2010, we'll discuss the high level value a dot brand could create. more

The [Dot]Brand Tribes - Part 1

In my last post we talked about the value of introducing new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) to Tribes. We discussed what a Tribe was and how communities of people sharing knowledge and experiences can benefit from new TLDs. In the next three posts from my blog we'll discuss how brand owners can either benefit from creating a tribal home and/or come together with other tribes for the benefit of their members. more

The Internet Tribe & New gTLDs

Much has already been written about the prospects and challenges associated with the introduction of new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs). This post were originally written for my personal blog but a good industry friend has persuaded me to post it (and more) on CircleID. During this series I will attempt to show how the introduction of new gTLDs is ultimately a "win win win" scenario. A win for innovation, a win for commerce and most importantly a win for internet users. So where to begin? more

Topic Interests

New TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesICANNDomain ManagementCybersecurityCybercrimeDNSPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceUDRP

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The [Dot]Brand Tribes - Part 3

The Internet Tribe & New gTLDs

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