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Lu Wei, China’s Internet Gatekeeper Stepping Down

China’s state news media has reported Lu Wei, the gatekeeper of China’s internet, is stepping down. “Lu Wei, China’s Internet Czar, Will Step Down From Post”—Jane Perlez and Paul Mozur reporting today in the New York Times: “The outspoken gatekeeper of China’s internet, who led a global push for the country’s growing state surveillance and online censorship, is relinquishing his post, state news media reported on Wednesday. Given the opacity of the Chinese government, it was not clear whether Mr. Lu was in trouble or in line for a promotion.”

“The Man Who Nailed Jello to the Wall,” by Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian, the Financial Post: “Under Lu’s watch, the space for anonymous online posting shrank as the government introduced new requirements for internet users to register online accounts with their real names and phone numbers, making it easy for security officials to locate the author of individual posts.” http://atfp.co/297xzPo

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