Upcoming Event: DNS Abuse Forum on Tuesday, March16, 2021
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A Community Dialogue

March 16, 20214:00 pm to 5:30 pm UTC

In partnership with

As our daily lives increasingly move online, the security and stability of the Internet become more critical. A category of threats to that security, namely malware, phishing, pharming, botnets, and related spam, collectively labeled DNS Abuse, present a considerable problem to the DNS ecosystem. Historically, efforts to address DNS Abuse have been constrained by resources and a lack of coordination.

The DNS Abuse Institute was created to resolve those limitations and related impediments to combating DNS Abuse. As the Institute begins its work, it must start with a clear view of the problem it's trying to solve. To this end, this Forum is being convened to discuss how the DNS Abuse landscape has changed over the past few years and what it looks like today. We will examine approaches to the problem from various viewpoints, take a look at some of the methods for measuring DNS Abuse, and discuss potential paths towards a community consensus vision of exactly what the problem is.


Ashley HeinemanGoDaddy

Ashley Heineman is Director of Global Policy at GoDaddy, where she focuses on matters pertaining primarily to registrar operations. Prior to GoDaddy, Heineman worked at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) at the U.S. Department of Commerce where she was the program lead for the IANA Stewardship Transition and the US Representative to the Governmental Advisory Committee within the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Heineman has been a leader in technical and public policy associated with the Domain Name System for over fifteen years and is currently Chair of the Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) within ICANN.

Jeff BedseriThreat

Jeffrey Bedser is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in investigations, threat intelligence and the DNS. He is the founder of iThreat and has spent decades building technology, services and solutions to understand, prevent and combat Internet abuse and crime. Mr. Bedser currently serves on the Public Interest Registry (.ORG) Board of Directors as the Vice Chairman.

John CrainICANN

John is responsible for establishing strategy, planning and execution for ICANN's external Security, Stability and Resiliency programs. He works on a cross-functional basis with the ICANN executive team, staff and the community to enable and enhance capabilities that improve the overall security, stability and resiliency of the Internet's Identifier Systems and associated infrastructures and represents ICANN in operational and technical dialogues and forums to ensure the full community's engagement with these programs.

Chris Lewis-EvansNational Crime Agency

Chris Lewis-Evans is a member of the GAC and a co-chair of the Public Safety Working Group. He works for the National Crime Agency in the UK, managing teams that investigate the criminal misuse of the Internet and its systems, identifying and protecting victims of cybercrime, and the effect of Internet governance on the ability to pursue criminals and protect the public.


Graeme BuntonDNS Abuse Institute

Graeme Bunton is the DNS Abuse Institute's inaugural Director. Graeme joins the Institute with 11 years of DNS Policy experience. He served as Head of Policy of Tucows, was chair of the Registrar Stakeholder Group for four years, and co-chaired both the RRSG Abuse Working Group and the Contracted Party Abuse Working Group. Graeme was one of the driving forces in the creation of the Framework to Address Abuse, which has more than 50 registry and registrar signatories. Graeme currently serves on the Board Directors of the i2Coalition (Internet Infrastructure Coalition).

 Read "An Institute to Combat DNS Abuse" by Graeme co-authored with Brian Cimbolic, Vice President, General Counsel at PIR .)


Date: March 16, 2021
Time: 4:00 pm — 5:30 pm UTC
Place: Online via Zoom

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Can't attend live? A recording will be available after the event.

Also coming up: The next DNS Abuse Institute Forum will take place in April and discuss the intersection of DNS Abuse with the concerns of both Civil Society and Intellectual Property interests.


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