Research assistant
Joined on July 12, 2005
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Amar Lakel is a researcher (chercheur associ?) at the Centre de Recherche en Information Specialis?e (CRIS, University of Paris X) where he is carrying out an analysis of the foundations of French public policy in ITC.

His fields of study concern the relations between communication infrastructures and governance, the analysis of the restructuring of relations between French civil society and the state, and between the public space and the media.

He is a member of Vox-Internet, the Minister of Research expert pilot committee on internet governance and of the R?seau D?mocratie Electronique (Electronic Democracy Network) of the Groupe de Recherche ?ITC and Society? at the CNRS.

He is currently responsible for the development and the deployment of the project Vox Internet.

He regularly participates in the annual conference of the Study Group 1 on Informatisation in Public Administration of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA). He has just published ?Les nouveaux visages de l?administration sur internet : l?acc?s ? l?information publique? (The new face of public administration on the internet: accessing public information) in the Revue Fran?aise d?Administration Publique (special issue 111) and participated in the collective work Les mutations de l?espace public, under the direction of Jean Mouchon.

PhD. in Information and Communication Technologies.

Centre de Recherche en Information Sp?cialis?e (C.R.I.S.)

Paris X - Nanterre /Maison des sciences de l?Homme

Last publications :

LAKEL Amar (2005), ? La CNIE et le pouvoir d?enqu?te en France : L?interconnexion au d?fi des technologies de l?information et de la communication. ?, in D?bat national sur la carte d?identit? ?lectronique, Paris, Forum des Droits de l?Internet, Mars 2005.

LAKEL Amar (2005), ? Gouvernance de l?Internet en France : vers un mod?le de co-r?gulation ? ?, in Jean MOUCHON (dir.), Les mutations de l?espace public, Ed. L?esprit du livre, Fontenay-aux Roses, mars 2005..

ALCAUD David, LAKEL Amar (2004), ? Les nouveaux ? visages ? de l?administration sur internet : pour une ?valuation des sites publics de l??tat ?, in RFAP-Revue Fran?aise d?Administration Publique, n?110, Paris, Paris : Institut international d?administration publique, 2004.

ALCAUD David, LAKEL Amar (2004), ? Electronic Government and the French State: a negotiated and gradual reform?, in Information polity, London, IOS Press, 2003, p. 117 - 131.

LAKEL Amar, TREMEAU Tristan (2002), ? Le tournant pastoral : les nouvelles formes de m?diation de l?art ? l?aune des th?ories de la communication ?, in L?art contemporain et son exposition (2), actes du colloque qui s?est tenu au Centre Georges Pompidou les 2 et 3 octobre 2002, Paris, L?Harmattan, coll. ? Patrimoines et Soci?t?s ?, 2004.


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