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Steve Gibbard

Network Architect
Joined on May 3, 2007
Total Post Views: 38,053


Steve Gibbard is the Network Architect at Packet Clearing House, a non-profit based in Berkeley, California. He runs an anycast DNS network that hosts the top-level domains for several countries and several of the “I” root anycast DNS servers, maintains PCH’s network of route collectors and route servers at exchange points around the world, and researches the interconnection of Internet networks. In addition, Steve carries out network architecture and peering work as a consultant for several ISPs in the San Francisco Bay Area and elsewhere. Steve is a former Senior Network Engineer at Cable & Wireless, and has held network engineering positions at Digital Island and World Wide Net.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Steve Gibbard on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2008 - Feb 28 on On Comcast and Net Neutrality: Shouting Fire in a Theater
2007 - Aug 25 on New Paper Discusses Global City TLD's in the Public Interest
2007 - May 04 on Geographic Implications of DNS Infrastructure Distribution

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsInternet ProtocolInternet GovernanceNetworksDomain NamesRegistry ServicesVoIPBroadbandAccess ProvidersCybersecurityPolicy & RegulationSpamNet NeutralityP2PTelecomThreat Intelligence

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Myanmar Internet Shutdown

Geographic Implications of DNS Infrastructure Distribution

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Myanmar Internet Shutdown

Geographic Implications of DNS Infrastructure Distribution