George Michaelson

George Michaelson

Senior Research and Development Scientist at APNIC
Joined on February 12, 2010
Total Post Views: 36,034


George Michaelson is currently APNIC’s senior R&D;scientist. Recently, he has been working on long-baseline DNS statistics, services logging, audit and analysis, and design and implementation of the Internet Number Resource Certification framework.

George is a member of the BCS, and a founder member of the Australian chapter of the Internet Society. He participates regularly in IETF standardization meetings, and co-authors Request For Comment (RFC) documents, technical drafts, and conference and peer-review papers.

George graduated from York University in 1982 with a BSc in Computer Science. His career in the United Kingdom and Australia has pursued research and development in computer science, networking, and systems administration.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by George Michaelson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2020 - Jan 13 on The Early History of Usenet, Part IX: Retrospective Thoughts
2019 - Jul 12 on Digging Into IPv6 Traffic to Google: Is 28% Deployment Really the Limit?
2019 - Jul 12 on Digging Into IPv6 Traffic to Google: Is 28% Deployment Really the Limit?
2019 - Jun 12 on As a Service?
2019 - May 29 on Digging Into IPv6 Traffic to Google: Is 28% Deployment Really the Limit?
2017 - May 18 on The 2-Character Answer to this GAC Advice Should be "No"
2016 - Feb 04 on Behind the Curtain: Making IPv6 Work
2015 - Jan 13 on Google Unleashes Domain Name Registration Service
2013 - Sep 25 on Mobiles Moving Into Fixed Networks
2013 - Sep 13 on Plumbing Neutrality
2013 - Sep 13 on Plumbing Neutrality
2013 - Jul 28 on Chromecast Set to Revolutionise the TV
2012 - Nov 28 on Why the Republican Policy Brief on Copyright Should Have Been Withdrawn
2012 - Jan 27 on We Are All Internet Exceptionalists Now

Topic Interests

DNSDNS SecurityCybersecurityRegional RegistriesPrivacyThreat IntelligenceIPv6 TransitionAccess ProvidersNetworksDDoS AttackLawCensorshipPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceBrand ProtectionBroadbandIPTVNet NeutralityWirelessMobile InternetTelecomDomain NamesNew TLDsICANNCloud Computing IPv4 MarketsInternet Protocol

Recent Blogs

My Top Takeaways from DNS-OARC 24

Behind the Curtain: Making IPv6 Work

Cyptech Needs You!

DNS Resolvers and DNSSEC: Roll Over and Die?

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