Susanna Sharpe

Susanna Sharpe

Social Media Manager
Joined on January 11, 2012
Total Post Views: 94,251


SilverDane is an Australian company providing enterprise software to tackle the challenges surrounding mounting email. SilverDane also delivers a Meeting Room Management touch solution, providing “Information at the Location”

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Susanna Sharpe on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2012 - Oct 29 on Clueless About Cloud Computing
2012 - Jun 19 on Spammers' Aid Program
2012 - Feb 25 on Email and Social Media Accounts Under the Spotlight in UK's Proposed New 'Spy' Plan
2012 - Jan 24 on Exporting SOPA-Like Rules to Other Countries
2012 - Jan 24 on Implications of Canada's CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen
2012 - Jan 21 on Implications of Canada's CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen
2012 - Jan 20 on Implications of Canada's CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen
2012 - Jan 20 on Implications of Canada's CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen

Topic Interests

LawPolicy & RegulationSpamEmailPrivacyCybersecurityInternet GovernanceThreat IntelligenceCyberattackCybercrimeCloud ComputingAccess ProvidersCensorship

Recent Blogs

Clueless About Cloud Computing

Trust - The Key to Cloud Computing Growth in Europe

Proposed Changes to Australia’s Data Retention Laws Likely to Be Costly

Romney Emails Hacked

News International Caught Deleting Email Evidence

Popular Posts

Implications of Canada’s CASL - Toughest Anti-Spam Law the World Has Ever Seen

Clueless About Cloud Computing

Email and Social Media Accounts Under the Spotlight in UK’s Proposed New ‘Spy’ Plan

Trust - The Key to Cloud Computing Growth in Europe

News International Caught Deleting Email Evidence