Richard Henderson

Richard Henderson

Active member of the At Large constituency
Joined on October 11, 2003
Total Post Views: 93,866


50-year-old British school teacher, married with three children. Formerly Prison Governor in the UK Prison Service, and Headmaster of two schools. Author of the novel “Chasing Charlie”. Climbed in Greenland and the Alps. Advocating the right of ordinary internet users to have a central role in determining DNS and Internet governance policy. Twice elected to executive panel of Icann At Large.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Richard Henderson on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2009 - Mar 31 on ICANN's Implementation Recommendation Team for New gTLDs: Safeguards Needed
2009 - Mar 31 on Some Thoughts on ICANN's Next CEO
2005 - Apr 15 on In Pursuit of IDN Perfection?
2005 - Apr 11 on In Pursuit of IDN Perfection?
2005 - Apr 10 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Apr 10 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Apr 10 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Apr 10 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Apr 08 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Apr 08 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Apr 08 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Apr 08 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Apr 08 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Apr 08 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Apr 06 on The Ultimate Solution to Internet Governance: Let ITU and ICANN compete
2005 - Apr 03 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Mar 31 on Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed
2005 - Mar 26 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Mar 24 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Mar 22 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Mar 22 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Mar 22 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry
2005 - Mar 21 on Shambles at the .Pro Registry

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesICANNCybersecurityPolicy & RegulationInternet GovernanceIPv6 TransitionInternet ProtocolLawDomain Management

Recent Blogs

Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed

Shambles at the .Pro Registry

ICANN and the Almost Invisible New TLD Evaluation Process

Popular Posts

Shambles at the .Pro Registry

Why Restricted TLDs Should Not Be Gatecrashed

ICANN and the Almost Invisible New TLD Evaluation Process