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Tal Golan

Joined on June 11, 2004
Total Post Views: 106,875


Sender Address Verification is the ONLY real solution to the problem of spam. While others talk about future “schemes” that may or may not actually work, Sendio is currently providing a real solution - TODAY!

No filters. No quarantine folders. No false positives.

Stop 100% of machine generated spam in a true “Set it & Forget it” network appliance.

Visit for more information.


2004 - Jul 27 on Sender Address Verification: Solving the Spam Crisis
2004 - Jul 27 on Sender Address Verification: Solving the Spam Crisis
2004 - Jun 30 on An Interview with the Lead Developer of SPF - Part II
2004 - Jun 29 on An Interview with the Lead Developer of SPF - Part I
2004 - Jun 11 on Friction-Free Commerce, Spam-Free Future

Topic Interests

CybersecurityPolicy & RegulationSpamEmailThreat IntelligenceArtificial IntelligenceDNS

Recent Blogs

Sender Address Verification: Solving the Spam Crisis

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Sender Address Verification: Solving the Spam Crisis