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Kevin Ohashi

Web Developer
Joined on July 16, 2004
Total Post Views: 14,555


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Why New TLDs Don’t Change a Thing

I have a heard a lot lately about ICANN unanimously voting in favor or relaxing top level domain rules and had a few people come to me and ask 'how does that affect what you do?' The short answer is, it won't; at least not for a long time and here is why... There might be some huge potential gain if all shoe companies got .shoes and branded it, but someone would have to manage it and each would have to spend money to brand .shoes to consumers. Adidas gets but spends nothing to brand it and lets Nike pay to brand .shoes and Reebok to brand it as well and leech. So instead of cartel like behavior (which is hard to maintain), we fall back into .com more

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New TLDsDomain NamesRegistry ServicesICANNSpamEmailDNSLawCybercrimeInternet GovernanceDomain ManagementUDRPPolicy & RegulationCoronavirusCensorship

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Why New TLDs Don’t Change a Thing