Javad Heydary

Javad Heydary

Joined on August 24, 2004
Total Post Views: 17,932


Javad Heydary is a business and e-commerce lawyer whose practice is focused on mergers & acquisitions, franchising and commercial transactions involving information technology & the Internet. Javad has written and spoken on a number of issues relating to business law, information technology and e-commerce. His articles have appeared in leading legal publications such as the World eBusiness Law Review, In Brief, E-commerce Times and the World Internet Law Report.

Featured Blogs

Why Mexico Lost Fight Over Domain Name

In a recent decision, a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) domain name arbitration panel dismissed a complaint filed by the Mexican Tourist Board (MTB) against Latin America Telecom (LAT) concerning the domain name "" The panel went so far as to find that the complaint was brought in "bad faith" and made a finding of attempted "Reverse Domain Name Hijacking" against the MTB. ...In its complaint, the MTB argued that LAT had registered the domain name in "bad faith" in order to sell it for a profit at a later date. more

Topic Interests

DNSDomain NamesICANN

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Why Mexico Lost Fight Over Domain Name