Brandon CS Sanders

Brandon CS Sanders

Computer Scientist and Collaboration Enthusiast
Joined on December 7, 2005
Total Post Views: 26,068


I’m a recently minted PhD in Computer Science with a passion for helping groups get from “We have a mess” to “We have a solution that we all feel good about”.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Brandon CS Sanders on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

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Consensus Polling: ALAC Shows the Way

ICANN is about to make the jump from "merely excavating" to efficiently mining top-quality jewels. I say this because ICANN's At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) has reached unanimous consensus on their internal Self Review. As the New Zealand meeting drew to a close, a weary ALAC was ready to give up on creating a consensus Self Review. The familiar ICANN collaborative process of emailing Word attachments had "excavated" ALAC into the also familiar ICANN mire of "deeply divided over competing versions." more

Is ICANN Producing Jewels?

Excavation is fun. You get to rumble around on heavy equipment bashing up this and tearing up that. Each scoop uncovers original earth. As your big machine chews up the hill, an occasional sparkle suggests a raw gem or two. ...ICANN business is still predominately conducted on Email lists/forums. Email lists and forums are good at excavating... more

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Consensus Polling: ALAC Shows the Way
Consensus Polling: ALAC Shows the Way
Consensus Polling: ALAC Shows the Way
Is ICANN Producing Jewels?

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Is ICANN Producing Jewels?

Consensus Polling: ALAC Shows the Way