Patrick Vande Walle

Patrick Vande Walle

All around Internet governance troublemaker
Joined on January 17, 2006
Total Post Views: 476,728


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Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Patrick Vande Walle on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2011 - May 26 on The User Experience with New TLDs: How to Avoid the Junk Mail File or 'User Unknown'
2011 - Feb 22 on A Tribute to the STI (Special Trademarks Initiative Team)
2010 - Jun 09 on ICANN (TBD): Why is ICANN Always to Blame and What to Do About It
2009 - Dec 22 on Berlin the Latest New TLD Battleground?
2009 - Nov 23 on IDN and Email: The Harsh Reality
2009 - Feb 06 on First gTLD Signed: Dot Gov
2008 - Sep 21 on IGF Meeting Blacklisted
2008 - Sep 18 on IGF Meeting Blacklisted
2008 - Sep 09 on Soon in a Mail Box Near You: Internationalized Email Addresses
2008 - Aug 13 on Gartner on New Generic Top Level Domains
2008 - Aug 11 on ICANN to Auction New Generic Top Level Domains
2008 - Aug 08 on IPv6 Considered a Problem by Some Users
2008 - Jun 13 on Proposal for .sport, a New Top-Level Domain
2008 - Jun 01 on European Commission Pushes IPv6 Forward
2008 - Jun 01 on Censorship: A Threat to the Stability and Security of the DNS?
2007 - Nov 14 on Whois: If You Want Privacy, Pay For It
2007 - Sep 21 on Developing Internet Standards: How Can the Engineering Community and the Users Meet?
2007 - Jul 06 on The Inextricable Issue of Internationalized Domain Names
2006 - Oct 31 on Vint in International Herald Tribune on IDNs
2006 - Jul 26 on The Blurr-Cade Proposal on Root Zone Oversight
2006 - Jul 25 on The Blurr-Cade Proposal on Root Zone Oversight
2006 - May 18 on .XXX and Conservative Groups
2006 - Jan 17 on Ask Vint Cerf: The Road Ahead for Top-Level Domains

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesInternet GovernanceRegistry ServicesICANNUDRPCybersecurityWhoisPrivacyIPv6 Transition IPv4 MarketsRegional RegistriesDNS SecurityMultilinguismPolicy & RegulationSpamEmailBroadbandAccess ProvidersNet NeutralityTelecomCensorshipDomain Management

Recent Blogs

Popular Posts

New Top-Level Domains and Software Implications

Gartner on New Generic Top Level Domains

.XXX and Conservative Groups

Are Domain Name Registrars Ready for IPv6?

IPv6 Considered a Problem by Some Users