Maurene Caplan Grey

Maurene Caplan Grey

Industry Analyst
Joined on February 5, 2006
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Maurene Caplan Grey is the Founder, Principal Analyst of Grey Consulting. Prior to starting an independent firm, Ms. Grey was Gartner’s lead analyst on messaging, calendaring/scheduling and human communications. Earlier, she headed United Parcel Service’s global messaging environment. With over 20 years in the IT space, she has been widely quoted in print and broadcast media, including the Associated Press, CNN, Forbes, The New York Times, Reuters and The Wall Street Journal.

Ms. Grey is a frequent contributor to New Communications Review, Collaboration Loop and MessagingTalk

Ms. Grey serves on ARMA International’s collaborative environment task force. She is a Research Fellow and Advisory Board Member for the Society for New Communications Research, and a member of the Association of Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction and the Open Collaboration Forum. She holds a bachelor’s degree in communications, summa cum laude, from the University of Pittsburgh, and completed post-graduate work in computer science at Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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