Wil Tan

Wil Tan

CTO, Cloud Registry -- innovative TLD registry back-end provider
Joined on October 25, 2006
Total Post Views: 54,713


Wil Tan is a technologist and entrepreneur with keen interests in Internet architecture, identity, internationalization, and security. He specializes in DNS, IDN, and large-scale highly available systems.

He is the co-founder and CTO of Cloud Registry, a gTLD registry technical and operational services provider based in Sydney, Australia.

Previously at NeuStar, he spearheaded the IDN efforts in the registry group and implemented IDN support with an advanced bundling framework in the company’s registry systems. He also designed and implemented the internationalization support in NeuStar’s eXtensible Resource Identifier (XRI) registry.

Mr. Tan frequently contributes to industry and standardization fora such as ICANN, IETF and OASIS. As an avid open source advocate, he was instrumental to the IDN support in the Firefox browser, and was chief architect of the ISC IDN open source project.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Wil Tan on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2012 - Jan 06 on The 5 Stages of gTLD Shock
2011 - Dec 09 on How a New gTLD Should Choose a Back-end Registry System - Part 3
2011 - Jul 05 on Outsourcing and Registry Operations Present Challenges to New TLD Applicants
2011 - Feb 22 on Instead of a New gTLD, Maybe There Ought to be an App for That
2007 - Sep 11 on ICANN Tests IDN TLD (Live!)
2007 - Sep 08 on ICANN Tests IDN TLD (Live!)
2007 - May 05 on Chinese and Japanese IDN in .BIZ
2006 - Nov 09 on Vint in International Herald Tribune on IDNs

Topic Interests

DNSNew TLDsDomain NamesMultilinguismRegional RegistriesRegistry ServicesICANNWebIPv6 TransitionWhoisPrivacy

Recent Blogs

The 5 Stages of gTLD Shock

Innovating with New gTLDs

ICANN Tests IDN TLD (Live!)

Chinese and Japanese IDN in .BIZ

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ICANN Tests IDN TLD (Live!)

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