Virendra Rode

Virendra Rode

Network Consultant
Joined on February 8, 2007
Total Post Views: 29,044


Featured Blogs

Tracking Outages

The idea of tracking data outages spawned from an early discussion on the outages forum including feedback from an outages survey about having a status page for (un)planned outages as a central resource. The purpose of such effort is to have a wider focus that one could view as opposed to having to check dozens of provider status pages. There were many ideas put forth but nothing really panned out and things kinda fell on the back burner. more

Outages Never Sleep!

Not matter how much robustness and redundancy you build around your multi-tiered infrastructure you are bound to suffer outage(s). I'm not implying the failure of a single server, but a complex outage that's usually external to the operation of the infrastructure. What matters is how you communicate outage notification when things do go awry. I think the words that I'm searching for are transparency and openness. more

World’s Critical Infrastructure

After all the unexplainable outages that undersea cables have severed, I thought it would be essential to highlight a brief history about who owns the oceans including some pointers about global undersea communication cables aka world's critical infrastructure. more

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Outages Never Sleep!
Outages Never Sleep!
Outages Never Sleep!

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World’s Critical Infrastructure

Outages Never Sleep!

Tracking Outages