Jon Arnold

Jon Arnold

Principal, J Arnold & Associates
Joined on April 25, 2007
Total Post Views: 216,690


Jon Arnold is Principal of J Arnold & Associates, an independent analyst and marketing consultancy with a focus on IP communications. Previously, he was the VoIP Program Leader at Frost & Sullivan, where he was responsible for managing their subscription service for Global VoIP Equipment Markets.  The consultancy was launched in March 2005.

He is a frequent speaker at VoIP and telecom conferences, including eComm, Internet Telephony, VON, NXTcomm, Pacific Telecom Council, Dow Jones Network Ventures, NYSSA, IT360 and the Canadian Institute. In addition, he serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of Business Technology Quarterly, and the Advisory Board for the 2009 eComm conference.

Jon is frequently quoted in the business and trade press, radio and television, including Business Week, Forbes, Fortune, NYT, WSJ, Financial Times, CNET News, Light Reading, Globe & Mail, Financial Post, Toronto Star and ROB TV. Media profile archive available upon request. Jon writes a bi-monthly column - Service Provider Views - for TMCnet, and serves as Editor of the industry portal. He is also a Gerson Lehrman Group Scholar, where his advice is regularly sought out by the finance and investment community, and is an expert contributor to Tech Target’s portal.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Jon Arnold on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2010 - Sep 08 on Google Voice: Race to the Bottom for Telephony - or Something Else?

Topic Interests

VoIPBroadbandAccess ProvidersMobile InternetIPTVTelecomWebWirelessPolicy & RegulationNet NeutralityWhite SpaceCybersecurityCyberattackCybercrimeMalwareP2PLawInternet GovernanceBrand ProtectionInternet ProtocolCloud ComputingEmailData CenterPrivacyCensorshipNetworks

Recent Blogs

WikiLeaks and Stuxnet - Smart Grid Wakeup Calls

Cisco Collaboration Summit - Where Unified Communications Could Be Going

Will the Cloud Kill Telecom Vendors?

Avaya’s web.alive - Another Approach for Unified Communications?

Google Voice: Race to the Bottom for Telephony - or Something Else?

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