Irwin Lazar

Irwin Lazar

Joined on April 25, 2007
Total Post Views: 51,042


Irwin Lazar is currently a Principal Analyst at Nemertes Research Inc. where he serves as Program Director for Collaboration & Convergence Research.

Background: Extensive record of experience in architecting, designing, deploying and managing large-scale, multi-protocol, enterprise-wide networks. Assisted numerous enterprises in strategic network planning focusing on next-generation technologies, network security, and voice-data convergence.

Primary Distinctions: Bi-Monthly columnist for Business Communications Review, weekly contributor to, Regular speaker at events such as Interop, VoiceCon, and Enterprise 2.0. Conference Director for FutureNet. Advisory board member for and Enterprise 2.0. Maintains MPLS Resource Center and “Real-Time Communications” blogs. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Irwin Lazar on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.


2007 - Nov 21 on Bandwidth Demands Exceeding Internet Infrastructure Investment
2007 - Nov 21 on Bandwidth Demands Exceeding Internet Infrastructure Investment

Topic Interests

VoIPTelecomCybersecurityP2PSpamRegional RegistriesThreat IntelligenceBroadbandAccess ProvidersWireless

Recent Blogs

Aircell vs. VoIP

Bandwidth Demands Exceeding Internet Infrastructure Investment

Continued Move Towards Unified Communications

Skype: When Good Press Releases Go Bad

VoIP Security FUD

Popular Posts

Bandwidth Demands Exceeding Internet Infrastructure Investment

Skype: When Good Press Releases Go Bad

Aircell vs. VoIP

Continued Move Towards Unified Communications

VoIP Security FUD