Irwin Lazar

Irwin Lazar

Joined on April 25, 2007
Total Post Views: 51,891


Irwin Lazar is currently a Principal Analyst at Nemertes Research Inc. where he serves as Program Director for Collaboration & Convergence Research.

Background: Extensive record of experience in architecting, designing, deploying and managing large-scale, multi-protocol, enterprise-wide networks. Assisted numerous enterprises in strategic network planning focusing on next-generation technologies, network security, and voice-data convergence.

Primary Distinctions: Bi-Monthly columnist for Business Communications Review, weekly contributor to, Regular speaker at events such as Interop, VoiceCon, and Enterprise 2.0. Conference Director for FutureNet. Advisory board member for and Enterprise 2.0. Maintains MPLS Resource Center and “Real-Time Communications” blogs. Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Irwin Lazar on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.

Featured Blogs

Aircell vs. VoIP

Last week American Airlines launched their Aircell wireless Internet access on a limited number of flights. It didn't take long before a few folks tried to make voice and video calls (in violation of Aircell's terms-of-service according to their PR folks), and it didn't take long before someone figured a way around their voice/video blocking efforts. more

Bandwidth Demands Exceeding Internet Infrastructure Investment

Nemertes Research has released a report on the future of the Internet infrastructure. The key finding from the report is that bandwidth demands are exceeding infrastructure investment, especially at the access layer. We noted in the project that users may begin to see the impact of degraded application performance as early as 2010. We also noted that the planned investments in Internet infrastructure are insufficient to meet growing demand. more

Continued Move Towards Unified Communications

A couple of new notes that underscore the continued convergence of real-time communications services (e.g. voice/video/IM) into a presence-based real-time IP communications infrastructure... I haven't seen this shift just yet, but increasingly the folks responsible for managing voice and video systems are integrating their planning with the groups in charge of instant messaging and collaboration. I expect this trend to accelerate as we move forward. more

Skype: When Good Press Releases Go Bad

Burton Group issued a press release last week announcing the conclusions of my recent report on Skype. I thought the release clearly stated our conclusions on Skype, which essentially were that there are indeed security and management concerns that enterprises ought to be aware of, but that those risks may be outweighed by the business benefits offered by the use of the application, and that enterprises must carefully weigh risk vs. reward when evaluating Skype usage. more

VoIP Security FUD

I'm continually amazed by the amount of FUD being spread with regard to VoIP security threats. People...the sky is not falling. VoIP isn't e-mail. It isn't implemented like e-mail, it won't be implemented like e-mail (maybe "it shouldn't be implemented like e-mail" is a more appropriate statement). Following best security practices will ensure at least a level of security equivalent to current TDM systems. Best FUD I've heard this week: VoIP is insecure because you can simply put a bridge on an ethernet line and capture a stream. Hey, has anyone ever heard of alligator clips? more

Topic Interests

VoIPTelecomCybersecurityP2PSpamRegional RegistriesThreat IntelligenceBroadbandAccess ProvidersWireless

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Bandwidth Demands Exceeding Internet Infrastructure Investment

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