Drew Clark

Drew Clark

Executive Director at BroadbandCensus.com, Telecom, Media and Tech Journalist
Joined on July 6, 2007
Total Post Views: 31,166


Drew Clark is Executive Director of BroadbandCensus.com, which is designed to provide publicly-available information about broadband availability, competition, speeds and prices. He also writes frequently on the politics of telecom, media and technology at DrewClark.com.

Drew is also Assistant Director of the Information Economy Project at George Mason University School of Law. He is pursuing a J.D. degree at the law school, where he is member of the Moot Court Board.

Previously, Clark was Senior Fellow and Project Manager at the Center for Public Integrity from August 2006-October 2007, where he headed the Center’s telecommunications and media project. The project providing reporting about the campaign contributions and lobbying expenditures of industry players.

From 1998 to 2006, Clark was Senior Writer at the National Journal Group, reporting on free speech, intellectual property, privacy, telecommunications and media for Technology Daily, a leading publication on information technology and public policy. He was also Senior Editor of National Journal’s Insider Update: The Telecom Act, devoted to daily coverage of communications policy, and Contributing Editor of Congress Daily, where he explored the digital convergence of broadcasting, satellite, cable, wireless, telecommunications and technology.

He is a frequently sought-after speaker on technology trends, addressing the Consumer Electronics Show, EDUCAUSE, International Association of Privacy Professionals, Internet Law and Policy Forum, and other organizations. At the 2008 Politics Online Conference sponsored by the Institute for Politics, Democracy and the Internet, he chaired a keynote panel on “Building a Broadband Strategy for America.”

Drew earned his B.A. with Honors from Swarthmore College, and received an M.S. degree from the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism in New York City. He is the recipient of several journalism awards. He lives in McLean, Virginia, with his wife and two children, and is a member of the McLean Community Center Governing Board.

He can be reached via e-mail: drew at drewclark.com.

Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Drew Clark on CircleID are licensed under a Creative Commons License.
